Reviews from

in the past

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i've put like ~30 hours into it, been drawing maps, confused as to why i'm still using the same shitty sword from the start of the game, and i finally decided to try changing my doll only to be greeted by more npcs with quests. this is all too much to be dealing with for something that was minimally interesting to begin with. if it didn't have the traps and shitty combat, i'd probably just force myself to get through it, but there's better shit i could be playing.

I blogged about this here:

A really dreamy, unique dungeon crawler, with peculiar NPCs strewn throughout its depths. The battle system is confusing, and I remember the inventory system feeling a bit punishing. I didn't get too far but maybe one day I'd pick it up again.

The game doesn't really let you get a sense of 'where you are' in the universe, and I love that feeling of being deattached from a tangible reality.