Reviews from

in the past

Não é ruim, mas não é meu estilo.

Pretty average mmorpg. If you enjoy the world of 5th edition DND you will appreciate this game more than most. But there is still plenty to enjoy for fans of the genre.

The worst mmo I've ever tried to play. Money grabby, bad visuals, terrible animations, and boring questlines. No good no good.

tenho mt apego emocional nesse jg, foi o primeiro rpg q joguei na vida e marcou pra krl minha infância, toda vez q eu voltava da escola a primeira coisa que eu fazia era ligar o pc e ficar jogando isso a tarde toda.. claro que o jg tem vários bugs e era paia só ter gringo, mas conseguiu me entreter mt e me deixou ótimas lembranças, além de me ajudar no inglês e me fz ingressar no mundo dos rpgs

Nem lembro de ter jogado isso.

This is one of those addiction style MMOs that once you're grabbed you're losing sleep, best to avoid this one, while its fun there are soon to be new ones and really the best moments of this game were limited game sessions from beta to release.

Amazingly Average in every way.

Originally played it on PC and it was ok, then when it came to xbox I gave it another shot and ended up getting sucked in. Really fun MMO actually with very unique combat compared to standard hotbar mmos that were out at the time. Cleric was a blast to play.

This is the MMORPG game I have put the most hours in and I couldn't be happier about it. I'm not exactly big on MMORPG games, but this specific one has won me over. I don't know why that is, but I have really fond memories of playing this game.

Again, MMOs are not for me I don't know why I keep trying them out.

I only dicked around in this game with some friends there's no way I would've enjoyed this otherwise lmao

Outro que joguei um zilhão de horas. Bom tempo com amigos e na sua melhor fase bastante acessível. Hoje até onde sei é uma sombra do que já foi e microtransações que sempre foram agressivas ultrapassaram todos os limites é praticamente um MMORPG coreano em nível de insalubridade.

É um jogo mediano. Definitivamente não é ruim, mas, na época em que joguei, senti um pouco de lentidão no avanço e um combate de poucas alternativas(apesar de divertido, por ser fluído).

I was deadass addicted to this as a kid

For a D&D MMO this MMO has very little D&D in it. It's not bad really, but it's painfully generic considering it's setting, and in my albeit quite short time with this game I never felt like I was playing a D&D video game at all.

All my friends played this for a month and idk what happened to make us stop.

Jogo bem legal, pena que fui jogar quando já estava morto.

super fun back in the day but kinda sucks now lol

Not Recommended
Gameplay 4/10
Music and sound 5/10
Screenplay 4/10
Technical 4/10

The novelty of a D&D MMORPG runs out within the hour, you don't get to pick anything outside your character creation, there are no relevant choices or "roll of a die" moments. They give you choices that don't change a thing, they are all fake, it doesn't matter what you choose, even the dialogue stays the same.

I thought it was going to have a lot more D&D in it, but it doesn't, it's just another bland and boring MMORPG that wants to be old World of Warcraft with D&D names. Sad stuff.

Used to be one of the best mmos ive ever played, until pay to win arrived and made it unplayable

idk why i have 70 hours in this game