Reviews from

in the past

con estilazo desde bien pequeña :P (vete tu a saber que barbaridad de outfits elegía)

used to have so much fun playing it as a kid

Not only is running my fashion boutique so much more fun than I thought it would be, the game is stocked with a lot of fun side activities that keeps gameplay from going stale. I loved this game, I loved finding all the colors, I loved doing fashion shows, I loved doing photo shoots. Recommend.

Design cute outfits for cute girls in a cute art style. CUTE.

Me iba de compras para aumentar mi armario, lo de la tienda me daba igual. (De hecho solo vendía porque necesitaba dinero para comprar ropa, porque en sí era para la tienda pero aprovechaba que me mandaban una muestra a casa jiji) El único mundo en el que podía ir vestida de gala a comprar el pan y ser feliz

I just really love having a shop and making emo outfits