Reviews from

in the past

This is one weird game and I kinda like it.

The gameplay itself is... fine. The shooting is there so you have something to do but it's nothing to write home about. The puzzles are also very forgettable with some of them being really far-fetched and illogical at times but the areas are small enough so you can brute force through them. The writing, which the game brags about in the main menu is mostly incomprehensible until the end when it tries to explain everything with mixed results.

But something this game has is its own style with the emo rock aesthetic and you never know what crazy idea it throws at you next. You can also feel that there is actual effort here and at times it shines through like with the last boss which was pretty darn cool.

It's not a great game but I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy my time with this even with all its problems and I doubt I will forget this weird little game any time soon.

Solo hay un capítulo y está en Early Access. Tiene mucho margen de mejora porque los puzzles son ilógicamente rebuscados, igual que la combinación de objetos. La acción directamente es que, a parte de ser mala, sobra, debería ser solo un juego de puzzles.