Reviews from

in the past

I played a decent bit of it, and it had an interesting control scheme but wasn't quite interesting enough to go through the whole thing.

Imagine a mobile game, but more boring

Was grinding for 100%, I didn't left me with good feeling

Not a bad puzzle game at all. Dealing with real-time elements at the same time as turn-based ones makes for a really engaging experience. The levels definitely drag on for way longer than they should, though. I probably wouldn't have finished this game if not for playing it on my Vita, a portable system where I can pause the game to go do something else if I get tired of it. I got this game for free on PS+ all the way back in 2016, and I didn't give it a fair shot until now. I was probably enamored with playing Metal Gear Solid 2 for the first time, which is a fair excuse, I think.

Mixture of a real time and turn based game. You move a vehicle to different spaces on a map with every movement taking one turn, enemies or projectiles can move in that time but some enemies will fire shots or drain health in real time, rocks might become lose and fall down on to you and enemies in real time as well. The goal is to reach the exit of each area while saving as many scientists and finding as many upgrades as you can. As you play through the game you find new abilities like a shield that will recharge over time, the ability to shoot a shock wave out around you, and abilities that require your science bar to fill in order to be used, things like a long ranged weapon to destroy enemies or harder rocks that get in your way or an ability to teleport two spaces away. Simple but fun game with some enjoyable mechanics.