Reviews from

in the past

literally why did you have to cancel og for this. make this a spin off not the main goddamn thing you're CRAZY

yeah im def in the minority of people who like this more than the original. funfunfun weee

while not as good story-wise compared to the original, i can appreciate what they tried to do here! definitely a fun concept even if its not necessarily my favourite. the style of the game and little changes (like the chat backgrounds) is very cute and i enjoyed seeing the characters in a new way (: i love rhythm games and this one is pretty fun and simple! it uses remixes of music fans already know and like, making it easier to zone out while playing (in a good way). some remixes are even better than the original songs (no.1, specifically).

it has the same problems as the first: too many events, not enough break time, needing to spend money to get anywhere, and lots of whales. nothing unexpected in a gacha otome game but still dull the experience for me. as much as i love these characters and this world i simply dont have the time or energy to play as much as the game would like

ill pick u up again one day 🙏

i liked the old one better erm

i'm here on april 27th before obey me got a DMCA strike by muse dash (prophetic). The beatmaps are kinda clunky, but far from unplayable. some taps have lag or just don't register, and my device functions perfectly with every other rhythm game. its not bad for solmare's pressumably first venture into developing rhythm games.

some remixes made some obm songs more rhythm game friendly, while others were either completely unneccesary or downright ruined a song.

well, whatever. no one is playing nightbringer for the rhythm game

First to review nightbringer here baybeeeee
But uhh yea banger game, could use some tweaks but what you gonna do