Reviews from

in the past

In some ways, this is a downgrade from the style that Ganbarion developed for Jump Super Stars and Jump Ultimate Stars. The depth of each character feels fairly light, which makes sense since there is only one attack button now, and the roster itself feels a bit small and focused on one arc.

With that said, I still enjoyed the challenge-based story mode and finding the secrets that each level contained. I also found the gameplay to be fun regardless of the simplistic controls. Also, the pixel art in this game is stunning and deserves to be recognized as it is definitely one of the best I've ever seen.

I say check this out if you like One Piece and want a bit of easy-going fun. This was actually released in English, so finding an easy-to-understand copy won't be too difficult.

Oh hey you wanna mess around with this new character you just got? well have fun because despite being unlocked late into the game they're still level one so you have no reason to play anyone that isn't Luffy!
Seriously why the fuck does a fighting game have rpg level up mechanics?

super smash bros for the ds
the difficulty spike for this game isn't fun

C’est Gigant Battle c’est giga lourd.

I still have no finished reading One Piece.

É um jogo bem divertido pra quem gosta de One Piece, tem uns defeitos mas gostei bastante de jogar.


Quem gosta de OP vai se deliciar, apesar da gameplay ser enjoativa a longo prazo.