Reviews from

in the past

É um jogo bom? Não
Tem problemas? Muitos
Eu adoro? Sim

A typical not very good mainstream anime game.

The story barely exists. Characters and plot elements are constantly being reintroduced and acted like it’s the time you’re seeing them. Characters that have no reason to be here, are here only for fan service, which is fine. The two game original characters are boring and have next to no personality.

The controls are absolute garbage. You are in control of the camera 100% of the time which will make traversal and combat disorienting at times. Even if you ‘lock on’ to enemies, Luffy is mostly just hitting the air in a different direction, and even if you do make contact with enemies, a good chunk of the time they will be protected by random invincibility frames.

Traversing the world tries to hard be like Sony’s Spider-Man, but the controls are awful. Also when traveling certain locations, going places can be near impossible because snipers constantly shoot you down when you try to move.

The graphics look mostly fine, the colors are nice, but the particle effects can look really bad.

There are quite a few weird translation errors/choices and typos. The biggest one being the Marines with ‘MARINES’ plastered on their clothes and buildings, but are always referred to as ‘sailors’.

Unless you’re a hardcore One Piece fan who needs some form of One Piece content to keep yourself sane, don’t bother with this one.

mundo aberto de one piece, o que poderia dar de errado? muitas coisas, nao curti o luffy miranha indo de predio em predio, mas em geral é legalzinho

There is a really annoying audio bug that makes this game unplayable

actually horrible for whatever reason LOL

podia ser bem melhor, mas não deixa de ser um jogo bom

The game will actively punish you for traversing the world with your gum gum powers like in the box art by placing several snipers in the area unless you stop and take out each and every one.
Also the combat is ass.

i want a one piece game where you play as zoro and have to get from point a to b but the map actively moves around/shakes/changes, so you KNOW it's the real zoro experience. sadly, i haven't been able to find such a game Yet. although.... it's actually pretty funny that zoro's minimap is blurred in this one, so points for that <3

Anime game... You know how it goes right? Another solid 5/10. The gameplay is ok, he moves right, jumps right and punches right, but the combos are too simple and useful gameplay mechanics are hidden behind character growth. The history is quite good actually, but the development is not. Casual and basic anime game here. Can be fun, but nothing special

se eu tivesse comprado isso full price ia ficar muito puto

One Piece World Seeker be so good when you don't got a Patrol Sniper shooting you down mid-swing and telling you it sucks.

Me ha gustado, aunque no tanto como me esperaba. La idea de un One Piece de mundo abierto me encanta, pero aquí está hecho de mala manera.

Explorar un mundo vacío pero repleto de materiales es aburrido, y cómo te mueves por el mundo es un coñazo. El combate mejora cuando llevas 50% del juego y has desbloqueado las habilidades necesarias para que sea intuitivo, pero lo de antes... qué coñazo, una vez más.

No creo que sea taaaan difícil hacer un One Piece fuera del género musou, pero ninguno da con la tecla.

this game makes you feel like luffy

El gameplay mola pero esta alargado artificialmente de formas que dan miedo

One of the worst open-world games I've ever played. With absolutely horrible and repetitive combat.

It's not a good game, not gonna lie. Rather barren, hollow plot, game mechanics are ok. A lot of running back and forth for no reason, tho ngl I just enjoy flying around as Luffy.

So I am a big one piece fan but this game does not capture any ennsance of that thrill for adventure that one piece does most of the game is go to point x for a minute then point Y after and just repats combat is pretty simple in a bad way does have some hard fights but you can cheese that pretty easily on the open world is so barren of a open world and the progiest besides luffy if so boring most o fthe game is her winging about something and you solve it plus the villian is poorley written as a whole one piece is a series that heavily relaise on for shading and building up villians this game builds the main villian in the last 5 chapters of the game and their is 17 chapters

its so funny when you go to the big city advertised in the trailers and the art to get shot down by 56404895 snipers

This is a fun open-world one piece game, but is missing things that make it great. More playable characters, more mission variety, and an overall better story would elevate this.

Jogo de anime.

Gostei mais da dlc do Zoro e do Sabo do que do jogo principal. A do Law é chatinha de jogar com ele.

While it's fairly lacking in combat, and the side content leaves little room for uniqueness (almost all fetch quests), the original story is fun and the new characters have a charm to them that only Oda could create. Definitely gonna finish it

Tinha um potencial muito grande, mas o mundo do jogo é chato e vazio pra kct

It has potential but the bosses are boring and have no life you just have to spam attacks and you win

Every One Piece game that isn't a musou just misses the mark so hard.

Remember all those bits from the manga where Luffy runs around collecting 2 Small Flowers and 6 Jewel Slugs so some no-name can make a brooch for you that adds +2 to agility? Fuck me.

It shouldnae feel this bad to traverse an open-world as a dude made of rubber. You can kinda Spider-Man zip to things, but it's so Start/Stop that you might as well just walk. There's an upgrade that lets you zip and soar for a bit and it feels great until the game decides you've moved far enough and drops you in place like a stone. The mid-air momentum just dies. Sounds like fun, eh?

Combat is shite too. No move-cancelling, so you're stuck in basic animations until it finishes and lets you press the dodge button. Enemies either do nothing while waiting to be punched, or constantly wail on you, no middle ground. Shots from guns knock you out of animations and onto the ground, so you need to wait 3 seconds for Luffy to stand back up. Also yer special moves like Red Hawk sometimes just miss because the game decided an enemy has i-frames. There's nothing fun about this.

Not even a massive OP fan like myself can put up with this. I quit to dashboard and immediately deleted it when I was asked to do a tailing mission on the Germa 66.

Te lo disfrutas mucho más si vas con la mentalidad de pasar del mundo abierto y centrarte más en la historia principal, que está muy bien escrita y tiene uno de los mejores villanos de todos los juegos de One Piece. Es deficiente en casi todo lo que se plantea, pero si eres fan vas a tener una buena experiencia porque, en esencia, es como ver una película muy larga. Los DLC son sorprendentemente buenos, especialmente el de Zoro.