Reviews from

in the past

i want to stalk people for a living

Man, games where you are a detective and search through case files, articles, and so on are the best! Story was a bit lacking, but I loved the mechanics.

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Harrison: This hacker is fricking amazeballs as shit!

initiate: i am in ur downloads, hackin all ur dataz ;)

Cassandra: Ummm... that's not a thing...

Josef: Yeah... can you say "awkward?"

Juliet: Okay, yeah, cuz THAT'S totally normal...

Symes: Erm, how 'bout no more talking from you?

Nina: is shot to death in front of her child, illustrating how those who align themselves with corrupt systems can never truly make the positive difference they hope to make

You: clicking pointlessly on a passage of text about Catherine Delacroix even though it isn't highlighted because it's obviously important evidence

Com certeza esse jogo mostra algo de novo. Orwell te joga em um mundo altamente vigiado por câmeras, cada saga que se passa você fica mais imerso.

Enquanto trabalha vê o mundo caindo a sua volta, mas você deve continuar trabalhando. Dilemas éticos são postos a mesa.

Eu sinceramente achei o jogo muito bom e consegui me divertir por todo tempo de gameplay, porém, o que puxa a nota para baixo com certeza é o seu final. Não é ruim, mas achei um pouco rushado para o meu gosto, tudo andavam muito bem, até chegar lá, os créditos subiram e eu ainda estavam pensando em que pasta tinha apertado.

Mas com certeza é um jogo que deve ser jogado pelo menos uma vez.

Interesting for the most part, but the writing took a huge nosedive during the final chapter. Some of the big reveals felt comically unserious. Engaging all the way through, nonetheless.

queria que esse jogo fosse um pouco mais lembrado
ele não é a melhor coisa do mundo mas ele é bem único e divertido
é bem curtinho e vale muito a pena

Orwell es uno de esos juegos donde las mecánicas y el mensaje que quiere transmitir casan muy bien. Su crítica a la hipervigilancia en las redes está abierta a sus propias contradicciones, su trama está bastante bien hilada e incluye algún que otro giro de los acontecimientos. A su vez, tiene bastante libertad y ramificaciones para ser un juego tan corto y mecánicamente simple. El que el juego no tenga sistemas de guardado y te deje explorar con mayor libertad las posibilidades es mi mayor queja. Destacar lo satisfactorio que me ha resultado ser un investigador a través de redes sociales, mensajes y llamadas de teléfono, no me esperaba meterme tanto en la experiencia.

Fun indie game
But yeah that's about it

i got this on epic for free

this fun and neat art style

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I personally liked Orwell for its narrative/computer simulation hybrid combination even if it's not as big than i expected. As an idea it attracted me since a bunch of years ago. The first time i played it it was given out for free on Humble Bundle, but i also had the chance to get it again for free on Epic Games.

The game goes on itself as a sort of operating system known as Orwell where you are an inspector who is tasked to arrest individuals who are opposing against the Nation. All starts out simple until you get into the rabbit hole of an organization known as The Thought, but more sinister shadows lurk amok as you delve inside it. The story is quite curated enough, although goes in an indirect way as you start off the game with non-contextual information given to you in the beginning. This story is not just the usual orwellian 1943 stuff but a glimpse of why surveying over the entire Nation itself can be a dangerous and risky job.

Orwell operates through a network of connected pages that link each other as you discover more information. The game primarily is mouse-based and quite simple: its intuitive drag and drop system consists of dragging in keywords and sentences to automatically phrase and "validate" information you come across. There are, of course, certain informations that are marked in yellow which act as a branching choice, but ultimately the REAL branching path starts with the finale where you decide the fate of the Nation and even Orwell itself. I believed the ending you would get would also depend on the earlier choices you make through the first four episodes, but considering how the story ended up in the last episode, it doesn't seem to matter much.

The interpretation of the characters in this game manage to capture the overall essence of the internet communities (during the first half of the 2010s back when there wasn't VERY VERY rapid networks like TikTok), complete with internet café's, social network knockoffs, and so on, even the famous captioned internet memes (yes, the ones that use the FAMOUS and BOLD 'Impact' font) complete with that reference from Ridley Scott's Gladiator.

The lack of a punishment system for finding incorrect or silly information might be a little bit too much, but Orwell after all goes quite wild on validating information without thinking twice so there's really nothing to worry on that, but be careful on going blindfolded to quickly validate information that may confuse you (SPOILER: you will get confused anyway because Goldfels is not what you'd think).
What i also noticed is that there isn't skippable dialogue, which makes speedrunning quite a chore considering Orwell has dialogue sequences (from chatting to telephoning) are intended to be as similar to reality as possible. The only way to go fast through is just to adjust the dialogue speed to max.

Although not quite as deep, Orwell goes for a more narrative experience rather than a in-depth simulator, and is a very well written story that strongly provokes security themed concerns that surround our reality, but i'd strongly recommend to wait for a deal since Orwell goes either on discount or free.

I love this game. Amazing narrative experience with a very unique gameplay idea that does not overstay its welcome while also continually introducing new ideas.

damn i'm gonna be arrested

I’m a sucker for detective games and this one was pretty interesting. Stalking users and other fun surveillance options are a plenty and linking things together was surprisingly easy. I felt like half way through it got a bit messy storywise but overall I had fun with this. It’s pretty short as well but felt like the right length for what it is.

The concept is great, something about the execution doesn't quite fit with me - I may replay it in the future

Without spoiling anything, Orwell is a great and interesting narrative game with a satisfying UI(both in appearance and sound effects) that maintains a specific vibe throughout the entire game and maintains it well. With advancements in technology, even since the game has released, this game feels very on the nose and I really was engaged the entire time. I plan on replaying it at least once more to see another ending, but I also immediately bought the second one so.. I am going to binge that straight through as well first. I highly recommend picking this game up on a sale(I believe Steam Spring Sale has it at $3 currently), it is well worth it, and the game took me about 4.5 hours to complete.

e vamo de acabar com fascistas.

Большой брат следит за нами

Gripped me until the last hour, where it all came crumbling down

i LOVED the game but i HATED the last hour of it

Can get slow at times, but the process of unraveling the mystery is fun and the dystopian aspects are great

There are parts of this game where the music changes dramatically and you start to put pieces together and it really draws you in. Then parts where things just sort of drag. It's a good game at it's length.

I thought long and hard about how to talk about this game in one tweet. I've come to the conclusion that it's a decent enough thrill ride and je recommend, but whatever message it has is stunted by the need to seek out limited choices to continue the story.

Cool idea but, there are points where you don't know what to do and are scrambling around every site because you missed a single piece of info.

En si es un poco lineal, un poco obvias las respuestas en las que hay discrepancias con otros comentarios, pero es interesante, juego interesante con una mecanica interesante