Reviews from

in the past

I absolutely love murdering these guys, DROP THESE BITCHES INTO THE LARGE PIT NOW!!!

Bom jogo para eu poder extravasar o meu amor

This is like playing with Legos but more brutal.

stupid, boring piece of garbage with nothing to do and from what i've seen the only people that like it are complete weirdos.

making torture devices in this game is fun

The controls are hard to get used to. Also, I like Happy Wheels more than this one.

pretty cool sandbox game with a good community and sick asf mods

Gameplay - 10/10
This game is targeted towards people who like torturing and murdering other people, but doesn't want to suffer the consequences of their actions. This game lets to electrocute someone to death, squish them with a car, drop an atom bomb on them, shoot them so much with a mini gun that the bullets shoot all the of the flesh off of the bone and you are just left with a skeleton, make a make-shift railgun that can fire a human being across the map, the list goes on.

Graphics - 5/10
The graphics in this game are nothing special, but they are somewhat charming and get the job done. You can easily tell the difference between many objects.

Performance - 9/10
There is nothing like detonating 25 atom bombs on top of half of the worlds population and getting your framerate down to 3 frames per second. This is the kind of game where you don't need 60 fps all the time. This game is a physics-based sandbox that you will find a way to tank your framerate in no matter what your hardware is.

Its ok but not great carried by mod support

Want to feel like god but have no other place to express it?
this is the perfect game for you then.

I have the power to perform inverse teleportation, create black holes and make a portal to a seemingly new dimension. And here I am shoving needles in the same dude for a hundred hours


Ew, gory! I treat my people with love, build them little houses. I like seeing them smile :)

silly game for silly people !!!

it's fun
decent amount of mods so you can throw in stuff like marvel superheroes or a small town filled with dummies
it's really hard to describe how this game is fun without coming off as a complete psychopath (i swear i'm Completely Normal and not a future serial killer or anything)

This is an absolutely horrible and soulless boring game. But it's my second most played game on Steam. It's just kinda like a fidget toy to me, I kill people brutally while im on a Discord Call with friends just so my hands have something to do while I'm talking. That's the only thing I'd reccomend this game for though. It's really really not good.

Reminds me of those old flashgames where you would torture dummies. Very fun but gets boring very quickly.

i like throwing the guys around

I really should not like playing this game this much

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And now I become death... The destroyer of worlds.

oooo i love making little contraptions oooo i love destroying buildings with fake superhero fights oooo i love BLOOD