Reviews from

in the past

I loved Vanilla P5. I cannot now, and will never stand by what they did with this rerelease, adding so little and expecting full price for what is effectively an expansion pack that would have run you 20 bucks in the 90s/early 2000s. What a load of disappointment... AND THE LESS I TALK ABOUT TYCOON AND THE THIEVES' DEN, THE BETTER.

amazing, better than o.g but still kinda sad we're stuck in p5verse all this time

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Good game. New antagonist is so fucking good it's scary that this is from Atlus.


So I reviewed this back in 2020 after I finished it for the first time, it was my first jrpg. I loved it at the time and I won’t deny I still have fond feelings for it but as I’ve ‘broadened my horizons’ I’ve definitely taken a step back from where I was before with this game 😭

The old review here said some shit like “10/10 probably the best game of all time” like holy meat riding it’s alright but it’s not even the best in the series 😭

Anyw updated review considering it’s lackluster story and the majority of the cast lowk being fucking annoying I’d give this game a solid 4/5

¿Es este el mejor JRPG de este siglo?
Si From Software es hoy en día el padre del ARPG (incluso han creado un subgénero sin quererlo), podemos darle el título de padre del JRPG a Atlus.

Persona 5 royal, this was one of the 3 games I got as my "quarantine pickup" and it helped me a lot overcoming the loneliness of the confinement. I never felt truly alone cause I got to live another life through the game,and I thank that. I don't think it is a better version from the original, the gameplay has been improved, and tho the story has been expanded and it takes an interesting path, the ending fucking sucks and I was very angry for a while cause I felt it depreciated the experience.

It's not my favorite story in the Persona series, but it's overall my favorite experience. It truly deserves the praise and love it gets.