Reviews from

in the past

pretty fun game. likable cast, likable story. the changes made from the original are very welcomed.

Thanks to game pass i've played this masterpiece for hours. Such an amazing story with cool characters. Combat is boring but game is ok.

literally my same feelings abt 5 but i love the new additions and overall “remaster”/qol changes and whatnot, very lovely game

Não é perfeito como muita gente faz parecer que é.

Persona 5 é um jogo muito fácil de gostar, não é atoa que a Atlus segue milkando a franquia com jogo mobile, spin-off etc. O jogo incorpora elementos do role-playing e dungeon crawling ao lado de cenários de simulação social em meio a personagens bonitos, animações de qualidade, trilha sonora fantástica, combate dinâmico, fluido e viciante. Unindo o melhor de sua casta, é comum ver pessoas que não gostavam de jogo por turno aqui convertidos à série de uma vez por todas.

Contextualizando de forma rápida, a série Persona teve origem como um spin-off da franquia Megami Tensei e desde então, os títulos foram angariando cada vez mais sucesso e se tornaram reconhecidos como alguns dos melhores JRPG da indústria dos jogos eletrônicos. Persona 5 Royal é uma versão expandida do seu título, em que a versão original foi dirigida e produzida por Katsura Hashino, que desde o terceiro Persona tem sido o principal nome por trás dessa série, bem como o responsável por dar a ela uma certa independência de SMT, da qual se originou.

A premissa da história resume-se no Japão sofrendo com uma série de incidentes conhecidos como "desligamentos mentais", que têm acarretado diversas mortes e se tornaram causa de extrema preocupação para o governo. Sendo assim, acompanhamos a jornada de um jovem estudante transferido para a cidade de Tóquio após ser colocado em liberdade condicional por um crime que não cometeu. Assumindo o codinome Joker, ele se une a um grupo de estudantes rebeldes, conhecidos como os Phantom Thieves of Hearts. Juntos, eles descobrem a habilidade de entrar no Metaverso e acessar mundos paralelos criados pelas distorções mentais das pessoas, os chamados Palácios.

E como em toda série Persona, a simulação social vem os personagens precisam equilibrar a vida de estudante e os deveres como Phantom Thieves, e aqui pra mim vem a parte mais broxante do jogo. Não só amo os Social Links da série como chorei em muitos deles, além de achar ótimo a dualidade da vida social e o combate que é feito na franquia, mas aqui simplesmente a escrita falhou no que é componente de metade do jogo. É notório uma grande flanderização no quesito personagens de Persona 5, que em conceito, é quando um personagem que perde o que os torna tridimensionais e realistas e, em vez disso, tem um aspecto de sua personalidade repetido até que eles se tornem uma caricatura completa, pra no final do jogo eles não terem um pingo de desenvolvimento e continuarem da mesma forma. Isso porque estou ignorando todas as fan-services, alívios cômicos toscos, questões problemáticas, falas desnecessárias etc. Isso tudo torna o elenco de Persona 5 chato, o mais fraco da franquia e derruba um pilar importantíssimo na construção da obra.

Não me entenda mal. Para mim, o que torna a franquia Persona especial é sua capacidade de integrar a narrativa e as mecânicas. O que torna videogames únicos é a interatividade, então usar o gameplay para comunicar uma mensagem é o maior feito que eles podem fazer. Cada personagem de série precisa crescer, sentimentalmente, para se fortalecer e continuar de pé na luta. Para que isso aconteça, é preciso passar tempo com eles, ajudando-os a enfrentar dramas pessoais e situações difíceis. Infelizmente não senti nada de especial em Persona 5 quanto a isso.

Mas sinceramente, eu to procurando o que reclamar mesmo, porque de resto o jogo é perfeito mesmo. O combate é uma verdadeira vibe que me vicia igual droga. Eu gozo só de transitar entre os menus desse jogo. Todo o visual, desde as interfaces vivas e vibrantes aos personagens diversos e únicos só exemplifica mais um grande trabalho do talento de Shigenori Soejima - são bem desenhados e expressivos, e as dungeons, que também receberam melhorias gigantescas no gameplay - que antes elas eram apenas corredores, aqui são repletas de desafios e mecânicas únicas entrelaçadas à história - causam um impacto nos nossos olhos desde o primeiro minuto em que pisamos nelas. O conjunto sonoro acompanha a qualidade, composta principalmente por Shoji Meguro, com colaborações de outros artistas, a música de Persona 5 apresenta uma mistura eclética de estilos, que vão desde o jazz até o rock, eletrônico e pop, oferecendo uma experiência auditiva rica e diversificada que complementa perfeitamente a narrativa, o estilo visual e a jogabilidade, enquanto adiciona uma camada adicional de profundidade emocional como Persona sempre faz.

A equipe tinha a responsabilidade de ser uma experiência relevante e de maior qualidade frente ao sucesso da versão original. E que missão cumprida. A versão Royal mantém todos as qualidades de Persona 5, melhora alguns pontos específicos e apresenta muitas novidades incríveis, incluindo mecânicas de jogo, mapas, personas, missões, itens, personagens e, na minha opinião, o melhor arco franquia, fez todas as minhas horas investidas valerem a pena.

Em conclusão, Persona 5 Royal é arte aos olhos e que cativa nos seus detalhes com sua narrativa envolvente, jogabilidade cativante e estilo visual único. Apesar dos meus problemas com o jogo, estamos diante de um dos melhores exemplos do gênero e uma verdadeira conquista notável na indústria dos videogames.

The addition of Maruki and Kasumi were good! The new music is great as well and fixes some of the story problems I had with 5. I still wish the main cast acted more like a friend group rather than all just friends with the main character, but it doesn’t detract too much.

Easily my least favourite Persona but still a good game nonetheless

atlus por un juego no misógino que hagas tampoco te va a pasar nada

I'm technically still playing this but I'm marking it as Completed because, while I'm very near the ending, I don't actually know how long this game is gonna take me to finish and I might forget to change my played status when I actually do finish it. I say that because while it's been a really fun game, good GOD is it fucking long. I've kinda burnt myself out playing it but knowing that I'm so near the finish line, I can't bring myself to drop it. I think it would be a much better game without all the bloated, unnecessary dialogue/text convos, tropey anime scenarios and the "how about we meet up tomorrow to discuss this further?" bullshit instead of just finishing whatever they needed to do there and then. I've actually found myself wishing this game would just END already so I can call this time well spent and move onto something else.

That being said, it has a really strong start. The first villain is appropriately awful as a human being and sets the tone really well. Meeting new party members and helping to reform society with them quickly becomes an exciting and empowering experience. The campy, comic-style aesthetic is just plain awesome and has cemented this game as one of the most stylish out there without sacrificing its substance, instead adding to it.

Overall, it's a great game that unfortunately overstays its welcome and I could honestly do without the Royal-exclusive last semester as the ethical dilemmas presented therein are only explored on a very superficial level. It kinda made me wish there was a whole game that delved fully into that concept instead of just "you're definitely doing the right thing and your opponent is definitely doing the wrong thing even though you're both kinda doing the same thing just in a different way". It actually put the Phantom Thieves in a less favourable light for me, which is a massive shame. I have enjoyed the game but I can't recommend it without some caveats. I'd recommend it to either a fast gamer, a gamer with a lot of patience for lollygagging and beach/festival episode wankery or just a gamer who really wants to play Persona 5 Royal because - and I would know from experience - this game is so huge that if you really want to play it that badly, you're going to at some point anyways.

Me surpreendi quando joguei, eu tinha várias ressalvas quanto ao gênero de rpg de turno e mesmo assim esse fez eu me apaixonar pelo mundo, personagens, história, tudo é muito lindo.

This is a fantastic game well worth your time. Has it's issues but is great overall. The game plays very well and has a good/compelling story. It's a fairly easy game, but this also makes it a great introduction to the JRPG genre as a whole.

Holy shit, what a ride, 120 hours of just fun

Persona 5 Royal was my first venture into the Persona series, and I'm glad I started here.

Being the definitive version of the original PS3 release, all the features and content is packaged together in a single game.

The graphics are unique, the voice acting is spot on, and the music is a bop. The story was amazing, and love the more "mature" subjects themes that each act had. Being an adult however, I do wish we'd get games like this with an older cast of characters, and not in highschool.

My only gripe with the game, was that I felt like it overstayed its welcome about 3/4 through the game. I still enjoyed it, but it started to become a lot of the same.

Will I revisit the game in the future? Probably not due to its length, but I'll definitely be checking out the other Persona games in the series.

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If you asked me before February if I have played Persona, I probably would have said this "What? No I don't play stupid baby games, those games are for nerdy babies." After wasting a month of my life, and approximately 150 hours. I can say that Persona is not a baby game for nerdy babies. This game was truly an eye opener for me, and it got me back into story games again. This game was so peak that I bought P4G the day after I bought it, I genuinely don't know how to describe this masterpiece. Maruki's palace is easily the best part of the game, and his storyline is absolutely phenomenal. Seeing goro akechi come back from the dead (maybe twice) truly had me going fucking insane. This game is amazing, thanks GavinT360 for introducing me to this series.

O que temos a perder, se não as correntes que nos prendem?

Great story that sheer joys and happiness inner me

Masterpiece an meaningful game for me.

Persona 5 or: What It Means to Love a Game That Hates You

Morgana GOATed Ryuji... why you gotta hate on the goat...

Ne comprendo la grandezza. Ma per me è troppo Giappone tutto insieme.

L'ho sfinito, tant'è che il gioco si è stancato di me

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I wish i could give this a 5 but the characters simply arent as good as persona 4's (with like 2 exceptions), outside of the story they feel bland.
especially morgana, I really wish they made him a better character after okumura's palace, because I actually enjoyed him, but instead he got absolutely zero development.
Ryuji feels bland compared to yosuke and junpei, and again, just like Morgana, gets zero development.
the only characters to have good development are Sumire, Maruki And Akechi (which btw, i would let him top me) both of which don't get enough screentime for how good they are.
there's also the painfully long intro, which isn't bad in the first playthrough but in the new game plus just SUCKS, because you'll be locked out of actual gameplay for 5-ish hours even with fast-foward and the fact that kamoshida's palace isn't very enjoyable anyway doesnt help much.
but despite all of my gripes with the game, it's still very good, the story itself is pretty good (although it only really picks up after okumura's castle) and the characters despite not having development, can stll be somewhat enjoyed on the playthrough, the highlight is of course the new third semester which honestly, could have been longer, but it's still really good anyway.
the gameplay is your average persona gameplay. it's peak.

4/5, I want akechi to top me


Baby s first megaten game. This game is infinitely easier then the originala nd in some parts hamper the story a bit. You know how a lot of people consider strange journey redux to be inferior to the original due to story changes/atmosphere and difficulty? Well this is the porblem i have with p5r. The revamp bosses are great tho

decent game but preferred vanilla. had serious difficulty issues

the original version was better, the new abilities have made combat way more boring with the possibility of either the player or the enemy getting a crazy amount of status effects really fast. the new final dungeon looks ba and with enemies that have no weaknesses, its nothing but a damage check, and the new final boss is also nothing but a damage check. its not more difficult but is limiting, and it is boring.

This was a rather long and hefty journey and I really enjoyed my time with this game. It's nowhere near a perfect or flawless game, if anything this game can suffer from a lot of issues, yet it's one of the most unique and serves as a really good collective experience even considering it's length.

The game incorporated some of the most interesting themes combined with visual representation of people's inner desires and regrets through palaces, which this game tackles in good way. Alongside a diversive gameplay and music that allowed me to get immersed with the game quickly even though it took its time with its earlier parts.

Additionally, the game consists of a really enjoyable cast of characters. And even though the majority of them fall under the scope of the cliché anime tropes, most of them had a really good dynamic with the main character, wether it be the main party members, or different people with different environment and struggles, while also having a distinct arc that falls under the game's main themes. And a lot of that worked well due the nature of the protagonist, as he is a silent/self insert character, and his arc revolving around him helping others, and seeing him grow while simultaneously connecting with other characters of different characteristics, which allows different players to find a comfort in this experience.

This game is a jam... but not for 120 hours. What a shame to finish to be disgusted by a game because of his endlessness. There are clearly some arcs that I found not enough pertinent or badly writting (the 3 and 5 palace), they encroach on the rest of the game. I prefer stop now (100 hours) and try to remember the good points of this game :
-What an OST, tks Lyn
-Good flow during the first 60 hours, it's hard to put down the controller
-Some good characters
-Nice battle system

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Persona 5 Royal is a love letter to those who are enamoured by the JRPG genre. Offering hundreds of hours worth of a well-crafted story, with well thought-out characters and one of the greatest OST's of all time; Persona 5 is a textbook definition of a genre representative.

Atlus decided to give the Phantom Thieves a classic rebellious look, with fonts matching street art and messy, cut-out pieces of letters and newspaper to give the consumer the idea that, contrast to a normalised, conformist society, the PT are rebellious against the society that has an iron fist over the weak. Striking a classic black and red to represent the vigilante and rebel that lives in each of the PT's hearts. Red, of course, being the drive of passion and anger, paired carefully with black; where the Phantom Thieves blend into the shadows and avoid the Tokyo police force by slipping into the MetaVerse.

Persona 5 Royal is an expansion upon the vanilla version of the game which follows Ren Amamiya/Joker. A second-year high schooler that landed himself in hot water after being sued by a drunken man attempting to force himself onto a woman, which Ren had stopped, resulting in the accidental injury of aforementioned drunken man. Being placed on probation for a year, he is sent away to live with a friend of his parents' named Sojiro Sakura, the owner of a coffee shop known as Café Leblanc. After being driven to his new transferred school: Shujin Academy, Ren rests in his bed where his dreams transport him to the Velvet Room. Awaking in a prison cell, he is met with Igor, the master of the Velvet Room. Igor informs Ren that he senses the rebellious heart in him and must complete his rehabilitation. Thus, beginning the journey of the Leader of The Phantom Thieves.

Atlus has hand-crafted each detail of this game to tell the story that they wish to tell and then some. Holding the balance between student-life and the responsibilities of the Phantom Thieves, Ren needs help along the way in the form of his Confidants to become a stronger leader and Phantom Thief.

Persona 5 is masterclass in everything it presents. Characters, story, soundtrack (especially), gameplay and mechanics, aesthetics, etc. It is truly a gem among stones. After dodging this game for years because of its brutal length, and finally giving myself the time to sit down and truly take in this masterpiece is one of my best decisions and this game now holds such a special place in my heart as my first entry into the JRPG genre. Thank you, Atlus, for a journey that I'll never forget and will always Treasure.

This is it.