Reviews from

in the past

Um jogo bem rápido para se fazer todos os finais, porem faz vc pensar em como conseguir eles, principalmente o verdadeiro.
Recomendo, e ele ta em Pt-Br, só vai

I'm sorry, but this game is just so bad... so, so bad...
Like, first of all, the visual style is obviously inspired by the spritework in the GBA Pokemon games, but without understanding what made it good or look nice. I've never used this version of RPG Maker, but I can't imagine that the tileset cheats to make things overlap and look realistic were removed. But instead, all the tiles start and end on the grid, making everything look out of place and unfinished or cut off. Furthermore, for some reason, the protagonist's sprite is super fuzzy, and the sprite of the assailant loops on the opposite side when he walks. These are simple fixes that would've taken mere seconds to correct. It almost makes me wonder if the person who drew the boxart sprites is the same person who did the in game sprites.

Furthermore, the gameplay leaves much to be desired. Reading the Steam reviews, a lot of people seemed to think the hints were too easy and thus, the game was too easy. Although I would agree that the hints are very direct, I couldn't figure out how to get any ending other than the sleep-death and suicide endings because I literally couldn't figure out how to trigger them. Considering the game is based on a timeloop, you'd think that you should interact with the bed in order to progress the day and check to see if you made the right decisions... Nope! No matter what I did, checking the bed gave me the sleep-death ending. And because of the lack of polish, I wonder if this was intentional or if I missed something. There was a 'hint' about burning the closet, and there was a lighter noted in one of the desk drawers, but I couldn't pick it up? And interacting with the closet directly after interacting with the lighter in the desk did nothing as well. And of course, none of the tasks involved anything beyond interact-with-x. I get that RPG Maker has limited mechanics outside of battle, but that's just motivation to be creative. How about instead of talking to the plant to water it, you have the player find a bucket, go to the sink, fill the bucket, and then take the bucket to the plant? I don't know, anything at this point, because this game feels like it's only 30% done.

Odd logic, not much to the game. I was left more than a little baffled, because I have no idea what happened or why.

Would be more than willing to see an expanded version of this concept, it seems interesting enough to explore further.
It's just, at the moment it feels very barebones. A lot of reviewers and I also agree that the puzzles do not make sense, and you end up just brute forcing your way through it. But then it's not much of a puzzle game, is it?

Um game indie de scape room Br, contem 5 finais, super rápido de jogar, achei divertido pensar pra descobrir os finais. Feito pra jogar na madrugada sem sono, de graça na steam.