Reviews from

in the past

Excellent writing elevates this RPG considerably.

I've been grappling with this game for a little over two years now, and I feel like throwing in the towel. The same thing would always happen: I'd open it every couple of months, play it from a day to a week, then I'd quit out of disinterest or pure repulsion. There is nothing here that I like. Lore is dumped in ungodly amounts, the prose is purple, the music sucks, the combat is micromanagement hell, companions are too flat, it looks ugly, backer NPCs are fucking EVERYWHERE and deliver nothing of value, and the story is boring.

Of course, you could pick any of the aforementioned elements and go "nuh uh, that was actually good!" and sure, you could do that. I think combat is the most easily defensible of my complaints: it's reactive, requires no pre-buffing, and forces you to use everybody and their abilities to best your foes. In-practice however, it felt like driving during rush hour - watching companions slap around enemies in place while stopping very frequently to cast new spells and abilities in the hopes of ending the encounter quicker - it's a dire equivalent to slowly inching your car up in traffic while you sit there, bored with nothing to do. What's most annoying is how by default companions stand slack-jawed after killing an enemy: there's a whole battlefield out there dickhead, go get some action! What the hell happened to auto-attack!

I don't like this game very much.

Pillars of Eternity is like playing a classic D&D campaign, for better and worse. The story is rich, the world is super detailed, and there's tons of options for building your ultimate fantasy party from scratch. Combat is awesome...once you get the hang of it, and the sheer amount of lore text can be intimidating. If you love old-school CRPGs, miss Baldur's Gate, and have the patience to learn a complex system, Pillars of Eternity will totally scratch that itch.

I've tried to get into this game on two separate occasions, and both times I've failed to get more than a couple hours in. As a fan of turn-based combat, I just don't jive with the gameplay.

Backed the kickstarter, enjoyed it a lot but did get kind of bored after 40 hours and dropped it. Might go back some day, I am much better about finishing games nowadays.

Really, really good
The combat isn't for me but I'm absolutely in love with everything else
Had a great time

A worthy successor to Baldur's Gate.

Nice game!
Great gameplay mechanics, nice story.

aloth I love you.... ueoueoueoeuo 😭

mi primera experiencia con un CRP, honestamente muy lindo juego, muy buenos escenarios, lindo lore, PERO POR DIOS COMO ODIO EL INFINITY ENGINE.

I haven't played many other crpgs so my thoughts may change as I have more things to compare this game to, but I really enjoyed my time playing it
The story really gripped me, and the companions were all either likable, interesting, typically both. A couple were on the weaker sider, but the good ones 100% make up for it.
The gameplay was really fun and decently depthful, although there were some mechanics thrown in that I did not make use of at all (like consumables) and they felt a little bit unnecessary (granted that I was not playing on the highest difficulty)
I found the world very interesting, especially the religion which is great because it's a big focus in the story. A lot of the gods have overlapping traits and all of them proper reasons why people would follow them
The game is big and has a lot of reading. It's best played enjoying the story and world at a relaxed pace. If you feel like playing something like that, then I'd highly recommend it

os personagens são um pouco pouco unilaterais e agem de forma passiva até mesmo nas suas quests pessoais, mas a escrita desse jogo é primorosa demais. Um absurdo fi nota 10 demai

the true spiritual successor to the infinity engine games, pillars of eternity is bursting with passion and worldbuilding. the narrative is poignant and surprisingly emotional.

Decent game, I nearly beat it years ago and decided to pick it up again. It has some flaws but overall I quite like it's story and mechanics. My fresh playthrough this time around just didn't grab me, I will hopefully return to it at a later date.

A deep crpg in a fantastic setting.

- Fun real time combat (I think they added a turn based option, though that might be sequel only)
- Great setting with deep lore .
- Great story with twists i didn't see coming - which is a rarity
- Good graphics and visuals
- Well written characters / interesting companions
- Cool spell casting systems, reminiscent of D&D spell casting (would have preferred mana, but the system overall is pretty great)
- The magic visuals could be better, but they are good.

I was very surprised with the score this game has in backloggd (~3.6 at time of writing). This is for sure one of the best CRPGs out there. It has deep lore that pulls you in and makes you want to read more about it. Interesting characters with distinct backstories and amazing music. Playing this games feels like entering another world.

My favorite CRPG. Wasn't sure if I was going to like the real time with pause gameplay, but now I can't go back. Really loved the mystery elements of the story, uncovering the truth behind your past and the events of the game. Beautiful art style as well.

In the world of CRPGs, Pillars of Eternity has it all. Satisfying and thoughtful combat, a ludicrously detailed world rich with history and layered characters, and a somber, heady narrative where the very foundations of the fantasy genre are turned on their heads. There is a sickness eating at the world of Eora, and the secrets you dig up on the path to cure it are devastating.

This game is wordy, complicated, difficult to get into, and overflowing with disparate mechanics holding together its convoluted combat system. But once you're stuck in, there's so much to explore with this game. It's a marvel.

Absolutely goated. Love this game. Wish my mac could play the sequel without exploding/was on geforce now. I love eder, aloth, pallegina, and HIRAVIAS so much it's not funny. Durance is sooooo interesting though I don't love him lol. And the lore is so cool, loved all the gods, it was really an amazing experience. My half a star off is because I really HATE the combat system, I'm so pathetically bad at RTWP it is not funny and it was either too easy on easy or too hard on normal for me. But this is personal and if you like rwtp you will love this game.

This "Totally Not Baldur's Gate" has a lot of potential, the worldbuilding, quests and dialogues are all masterfully written, however the combat system may feel a very steep difficulty curve, even to CRPG veterans. The Xbox version(And probably PS too) are NOT RECOMMENDED because they haven't released fixes to many quests and achievements, rendering them uncompleteable.

Tentei jogar mas infelizmente está bem feio e datado, a qualidade é bem meh até pra 2015.
Tempo de jogo: 20 minutos

Games seems good and quite complex but it is absolutely not for me

You know it's a great RPG when you start thinking up new characters to create for future playthroughs before you've even finished your first.

An extremely good CRPG. The first one to really grab me and make me want to learn more about its lore.

Saying this before playing baldurs gate 3 seems really silly but this is hands down the most interested I've ever been in a CRPG outside of like, Disco Elysium. This game and setting fucking rule.

What a fucking game, my dudes and duderinas. I played Pillars of Eternity when it came out way back in 2015 and while I loved it then, I think I still didn't quite get it. The game throws a ton of lore and setting exposition right at the very beginning and it never lets up, which made it difficult, for me anyway, to connect with the setting. However, deeper into the game things do start to fall in place, and as a setting, Eora is incredibly rich not only in history, cultural diversity, and storytelling, but in its ideas and prose as well. Every character the player will meet in Pillars of Eternity comes with his or her own set of flaws, ambitions, and perspective of the world around them that are grounded in the same storytelling and universe that the player experiences, and while they do have realism woven into their personalities, the character writing is more literary mythic than anything else. Eora and its denizens are heavily steeped in historical context within the game-world as well as within the philosophical context of their real world inspirations. Memory, history, and reconciliation of past and present are ever-present throughout the game's narrative and companions.

While the dense writing and lore may cause a barrier to entry on the writing side, Pillars of Eternity's combat and RPG systems are wonderfully CRPG beginner friendly. Every attribute is meaningful and can contribute to any build which makes it difficult to brick a character, allowing for roleplay to take precedence across builds. Obviously, as with any CRPG, min-maxing optimization can occur if a player desires to powergame, but the system does not punish more casual players, resulting in a positive experience for both ends of the spectrum. I played a rogue who wore heavy plate armor and used a gun, but the standard light-armored sneaky rogue would work just as well, for example.

However, the real highlights of Pillars of Eternity happen when the game turns all of this worldbuilding on its head and finally considers the implications of the ideas it sets forth. Themes of post-colonialism, ontology, historical relevance, nihilism, and imperial exceptionalism all are not only represented within the game, but are confronted directly by the player. It's not enough just to represent these ideas within the game world - the player is specifically tasked to think about philosophical questions in order to progress through conversations and form plans on how to move forward.

Few games seem to do this as openly and bluntly as Pillars of Eternity does, and while the game may have originally existed as a kickstarter project meant to placate fans, like myself, of Baldur's Gate, narratively Pillars of Eternity is much more in line with something like Planescape: Torment or Bethesda's post-modernist take on fantasy lore via Morrowind. Like all celebrated and dissected mythologies, Eora isn't afraid to get both historical and weird in order to confront our idea of humanity and the world we live in.

Aneb jak to dopadá, když se honí příliš zajíců s omezeným rozpočtem... Obsidiani se snaží zavděčit všem těm, kteří přísahají na slovutné RPG tituly založených na Infinity enginu (Baldur´s Gate, Icewind Dale a Planescape). Pokud s nimi máte tu čest, tak víte, že byť na shodném enginu, od stejně smýšlejících vývojářů a ve stejném žánrovém ranku, tak herním stylem i zaměřením jsou každá zcela jinde. Baldury byly klasickou "high RPG fantasy" epickou záležitostí stavící na postavách, světě a ději, Icewindy naopak komorně pojatou odosobněnou na taktické souboje soustředěnou záležitostí a Planescape byl neortodoxní výtečně napsaná filosofická černohumorná dialogovka jdoucí proti žánrovým zvyklostem. Problém Pillars of Eternity pak je, že se snaží vzít to nejlepší z každé té série. Což na papíře zní dobře, ale v praxi to v mnoha ohledech nepěkně tře, protože to jde proti sobě.

Nejvíce si to bere z Baldurů a tak pomyslná základní kostra hry nepopiratelně působí jako takové „Baldur´s Gate 1.5 v moderním kabátku", zatímco soustředění na taktické souboje se odkazuje na Icewind Dale a sympatický pokus o ambiciózní netuctovou vyspělou fantasy zápletku nezapře Planescape.

Hlavní dějová linie pracuje se zajímavými tématy a nejde o další černobílou variaci na záchranu světa. Točí se to kolem "prokletí", kdy se děti rodí bez duše a v průběhu let byly v rámci pokusu o nalezení léku prováděná zvěrstva, kdy nejlepší úmysly vydláždily cestu do pekel. Problém je, že ono se to záhy stočí v klasickou fantasy pohádku a tak více než děj jako celek zaujmou jednotlivé úseky (především pak Sanatorium).

To ostatně platí i o světě do kterého je to zasazeno; role božstev, historie národů a vůbec celkově té omáčky kolem. Vše výtečně a nosně od píky vymyšleno, ale konkrétní příběhy, které jsou kolem toho vystavěny, tohoto potenciálu nevyužívají. Což platí i o společnících. Když bodově shrnete jejich osobnosti a problémy, tak si obdivně hvízdnete, že to nejsou jen další z bezpočetných variací na tuctové fantasy paňáci. Jenže oproti zmíněným Baldurům postrádají osobnost a nejsou zapamatovatelní. Nejde o živoucí charaktery. Výjimky potvrzující pravidlo se samozřejmě najdou i zde, ale je jich žalostně málo; zvláště pak s ohledem na to, kolik toho nakecají, aniž by cokoli pořádného řekli.

Vůbec největším kamenem úrazu jsou však souboje. Zůstal sice zachován klasický kongeniální systém real-time s možností pauzy a poklidného rozdání pokynů. Potud žádný problém, kdyby... Kdyby na ně tvůrci nekladli až přílišný důraz. Je jich moc; na nejedné mapě si budete připadat spíše jak v Diablu více než čem jiném. Což by ještě problém být nutně nemusel, kdyby ty souboje byly zábavné. Jenže nejsou; lépe řečeno tím kolik jich je, se přejí. Nejsou nijak zvlášť těžké, pokud skousnete mikromanagement, který vyžadují. Pokud se na něj vykašlete, tak jsou výzvou. Jenže abyste co pět kroků trávili několik minut rozdáváním pečlivých příkazů i na toho nejposlednějšího z poskoků, tak to naprosto zabijí tempo hry a jakékoli ponoření se do děje a světa. Námitka, že takto bylo už v Icewind Dale neobstojí; jednak i tam to nebylo až tak soubojově jednotvárné a hlavně šlo především o ty souboje, jelikož děj, postavy apod. byly až někde na třicáté koleji. Tady tomu tak není. Záhy zjistíte, že v soubojích trávíte více času než čím jiným a to u hry, která staví na dějové linii je špatně. Někdy je méně více. Zde to platí stonásob.

Pak tu máme kolonku „vynikající nápady, které jsou trestuhodně nedotažené". Můžete spravovat vlastní pevnost, vylepšovat ji, najímat služebnictvo apod. Jenže nic z toho neplyne. Pár nevýznamných bonusů, nějaký ten předmět navíc a jedna do pozadí zastrčená dějová linka. Kdyby tam možnost panovnictví nebyla, tak by to v důsledku nemělo na nic vliv. S tím souvisí i to, že již po první třetině hry budete mít ve své podstatě neutratitelné množství peněz čili chybí volby, zda si raději pořídím to či ono. To samé nápad kolem nahrazení animací ilustrovanými "zvol si své dobrodružství" pasážemi. Z nouze ctnost (nebyly finance na příběhové animace) přetavená ve vynikající nápad, který však zůstal na půl cesty a je v drtivé většině využíván jen k tomu, zda použijete nějaký předmět z inventáře či to zkusíte přes své statistiky. A přitom se na tom dalo vystavět tolik dobrého, viz třeba takto zprostředkovaná epická bitva o pevnost. A tak je to tu se vším. Tvůrci toho spoustu nakousnou příběhově, mechanikami i nápady, ale jen málo čemu z toho věnují i adekvátní prostor a čas, aby to mělo i reálný dopad. Takto to dobře vypadá v promo materiálech „koukejte co vše v tom máme", ale skutek utek.

Z výše uvedeného se může zdát, že spíše kritizuji, ale tak to není. To ze mě jen mluví zklamání nad aspekty, které zabraňují tomu, aby se toto neoddiskutovatelně vynikající RPGčko z pozdě devadesátkové školy stalo něčím více než jen zábavným a kvalitním žánrovým zástupcem, který každý fanoušek Infinity her sice ocení, to zase ne že ne, ale jen málokdo ho postaví na úroveň byť jen jedné z her z výše zmíněného tria nadčasových klasik, ze kterých to přiznaně vychází. Přesto je to tak dobré, že si rozhodně v budoucnu najdu čas i na oba datadisky, ale zároveň to není až tak dobré, aby mě to donutilo pořídit si je bez čekání na výraznější slevu. Doufám že si tvůrci pro případný druhý díl ukousnou menší sousto a hrubý diamant vybrousí ve skvost. Potenciál se v tom světě i nostalgicky moderním konceptu skrývá velký a byla by škoda skončit u jedné hry, zvlášť když takovýchto velkých pravověrných RPGček dnes mnoho nevzniká.

The story didn't grab me. I didn't like the combat mechanics. And you have to read a lot of boring text.

To me, PoE is an infinitely-replayable RPG, not only because of the quality of its storytelling and the intriguing depth of its setting, but also due to the incredible variability in gameplay experiences depending on the class the player chooses. A playthrough with a Fighter PC is substantially different than that of a Cipher, right down to the class-specific dialogue options that one is often presented with. I'll always have to remind myself to put more points in Resolve next time, though.

Obsidian y los RPG, un dúo que sabes que no puede salir mal