Reviews from

in the past

Russian gamedev 2023: umm....there is your robo-girls....ummm with umm.....talking fridge....ummmm
Russian gamedev 90x: there is your fridge puzzle and i don't know how are you gonna pass through it as a 90x Russian kid and i don't care about it.

Much beloved original pilot brothers cartoon ("Следствие ведут Колобки") is a comedy gold and as far as i remember, a series of point and click games based on main characters is fairly faithful.

This game holds a special place in my childhood memories. I recall spending hours playing it during a New Year's party at my family friends's flat. They had PC. And they were gracious enough to let me  play. Many years later, I got my own PC and found this game. It was a nostalgic journey to revisit it, and this time, I was determined to conquer all the tasks and uncover that elusive creepy elephant!

this game only makes sense to the madmen that created it

honest to god why did these men look so freaky it scares the shit out of me