Reviews from

in the past

World's most bland and lethargic twin-stick shooter. This whole series is cursed.

A fun dual stick shooter that focused more on puzzles than on action, and had you exploring an alien planet using weapons and tools that affected the environment around you. No reason to play this over the Ultimate edition nowadays, though.

I played only a little of this colorful twin stick shooter. It's pretty average.

PixelJunk Shooter is certainly the one PixelJunk game you want to play if you only play one of them. With an easy difficulty and a lot of fun and inventive puzzles this game will make anyone have a good time, especially bouncing to the music.

Great college memories with this series with my friends/roommates. I need to go back and beat these some day.

Great co-op

The physics were fun to mess around

Cute little twinstick shooter with a charming artstyle.

the physics mechanics were nice i guess but overall this was really unmemorable