Reviews from

in the past

What a strange, delightful surprise. In the most basic terms follows the visual and gameplay design language of an N64 3D platformer but with much wilder flights of fancy than that implies. You can never quite anticipate where you'll go next or what it'll ask of you, dipping into completely different types of game for brief, colourful passages. The platforming itself has a good balance between stiffness and responsiveness, with some satisfying ways it challenges your patience across longer sequences. There's also this unsettling tone bubbling under - and sometimes way above - the surface that's too oblique and unpredictable to ever fall into prosaic 'this retro game is actually haunted, isn't that spooOOoooky!' territory. Great sense of goofy humour on top of all that. The tonal mix carries over to the excellent soundtrack, its instrumental palette contrasting the midi tones you'd expect from a game nodding towards the N64 era against more sinister synth pads. Nails both the whistful atmospheres and the dark ambience.

Obviously there's some cruft. It is after all a no-budget, solo-dev work languishing in the depths of steam new releases. The combat for instance may as well not be there, such is its lack of presence. But it's packed with charm and for some reason it's free? Well worth checking out