Reviews from

in the past

A fine client, if a bit featureless.

Well its definitely the underwhelming TCG

they should've kept this one up

I have never played TCGO before this summer. I have collected physical Pokemon cards since the late-90s but didn't get into playing the card game. I have been buying recent card packs and in each booster you get a code to open a digital pack of Pokemon cards. I held onto them for a long time before deciding, screw it, I'll try it.

I'm at the point where my challenges no longer count against AI. It can be fun or frustrating, depending on your cards and RNG.

My biggest complaint is it's tough starting out PVP. Unless you have codes with REALLY great cards that work in a deck, you're going to lose...a lot. There's no matchmaking. You'll have some "baby" cards getting destroyed by a player with 4 VMAX and 4 GX cards (whatever they have on hand). Until you can purchase decks and booster packs with in game currency. Then you can slowly build your digital collection of Pokemon cards and win battles.

fuck that 200 quadrillion hours long obligatory tutorial

she was so beautiful to me

kid me played this a lot one of those were even if wanted to go back and relive that i couldn't because they totally changed the UI and everything i don't think the story mode that existed back then even exists anymore

Fun way to play the game if you can't play IRL. True to the card game in every way.

Credo. Você precisa repensar seu jogo quando a KONAMI tem um jogo de cartas online melhor mecanicamente que o seu.

i remember playing this game as a child. my memories of buying cards and scanning the booster pack code into this game.

Finding out this got deleted for a new version made me feel so fucking old I spent so many hours on it as a kid.

A pretty fun virtual version of the trading card game. being able to open packs you have bought physically is super cool and an actual reason to buy Pokemon cards. its super fun to play online matches. i would recommend it if you like the pokemon tcg.

Daniel Expósito García fue el Top 1 mundial de este juego en otra realidad

This was the superior version of the card game. Good, easy to understand modes. Simple you vs. computer modes designed to teach players about the different deck types. No battle pass. A bunch of good and fun cards you can use in legacy formats.

sigh I just wish it weren't dead.

i can't believe they killed this game and released a worse version. i mostly just used the game to have a neat official digital card library that i could browse whenever, even if it didn't have any real value. now it's way harder and worse to look at any of these. gonna miss it.

El juego empezó siendo tremenda mierda, por la expansión de Asedio de vapor más o menos el juego tenía un meta tremendo y luego metieron los GX, los V y su puta madre y sinceramente se fue a la mierda. Lo que más me jode es que me han tirado casi 8 años de progreso porque han querido cambiar de juego y es que estoy hasta la polla.

My biggest regret in life so far is integrating my account. PTCGL is so ass rn

I really enjoy this card game a lot! Especially playing it in person, but this client can be clunky as all hell and completely unattractive. Not a huge fan, also playing online made me realize that it's not as satisfying beating other players in this game as it is beating your friends over a table.

Can get annoying sometimes because of in-game purchases, but it's a pretty fun way to play Pokémon TCG, visually charming, though the music is repetitive

A ansiedade e a saudade me fizeram instalar isso aqui de novo. É Pokemon TCG num cenário barato feito em flash que roda direto do navegador. Sinceramente eu acho isso até um plus pois pra card game firula até é legalzinho mas importante mesmo é o desempenho.

Vi um comentário de um cara aqui chamando de P2W e... como todo TCG competitivo, é verdade e ao mesmo tempo não é. Sim, farmar as cartas boas vai te tomar um tempo desgraçado e pra quem bota dinheiro no meio rende muito mais. Entretanto, pra gente como eu que joga PRECON (com os decks prontos que o jogo oferece) ele é um passatempo quase que justo.

Also, pelo menos anos atrás o jogo permitia resgatar um código por booster físico comprado, o que eu pessoalmente acho um acerto.

Uma boa maneira de praticar o joguinho e um bom reforço pra quem já joga o formato físico. Pra você que tá caindo de paraquedas nele, um passatempo gostosinho por alguns dias jogando contra IA até você enjoar e instalar um emulador de GBA pra jogar Fire Red.

EDIT: Na real, eu estou achando a economia do jogo bem justa, pelo menos pra um cara que joga Temático. Também não estou achando impossível jogar contra jogadores reais não, e as filas de espera são bem curtas. Cada dia que passa eu estou achando melhor.

EDIT2: Mal cheguei e o jogo foi descontinuado pra dar lugar pra uma versão mais bonita porém pior otimizada no celular. RIP.