Reviews from

in the past

what came before? this or air hockey?

…it’s pong. Pretty self explanatory. The only reason it’s here is because I’m trying to log every game I can find that I’ve played and this technically counts. It’s one of the first games ever made though not THE first like many thing. It’s very simple isn’t really much to play now but it’s harmless and does hold a special place as one of the first ever video games.

This is it guys, we've peaked here, time to pack it all up, there's absolutely no topping this, we've reached the pinnacle of human existence with two rectangles and a square.

The retro game of them all. No frills. No extras. It's as basic as plain brown bread, but for sure it laid the foundations for future video games to come.

doesnt even have a proper story
gameplay is lacking
where are the graphics? everything is oversimplified for no reason
0 replayability

Very simple but also very fun and addictive. Of course gaming history owes a lot to this innovation, but putting all of that aside it's still an enjoyable experience that I could play in any mood in any situation and still get something out of it. Yes of course it's pretty archaic in terms of it's looks and simplicity but I personally found it very charming. Do keep in mind my real game count is around 120 maybe, so I still got some stuff to go through for sure.


I am surprised by the fact that it can be quite fun. And of course, it was an important step for video games.

I'm gonna set up a sign outside of Flinders Street station: "I'm the best competitive Pong (1972) player currently alive, Change My Mind"

Every incredible artistic achievement that video games have made in the past half-century have done so thanks to Pong.

If games, or any art for that matter, should be judged by the time they were created in (and I believe they should) Pong deserves a 5-star rating right there for its innovation alone.

If we were to hold it against modern games its heritage and legacy only becomes clearer, as does the culture of creativity that it created.

One of the many irrelevant achievements of my life includes finding that one precise spot in atari pong whereupon the game proceeds to play itself.
That 50 years of human artistic and technical achievement would effectively spring forth from such a dull assemblage of transistors and cathode ray tubes is mind boggling.

Retro Yearly List #1 [1972: Pong]

Well, it's PONG.
I could've rated this 5 stars for its innovation at the time, or 1 for not being so good for today's standards, so I think a solid 2.5 is a fair rating.

I find the simplicity of the arcade games to be extremely cute and appealing. That simplicity in the design and appeal is what makes the good arcade games timeless and it shows off in the way later games will still use these kinds of systems. Pong's system is a simulation of table tennis and that push and pull between player 1 and 2 as though the core value of table tennis was grabbed and brought to its absolute essence. Super focused.

It's Pong. Everyone played Pong in some shape or form.

A classic! "Avoid missing ball for high score". How much simpler can perfection be? The only reason I didn't give it 5 stars is because of how mind-numbingly repetitive it gets.

It's kind of like an ADHD fidget toy.

Despite how old it is, Pong is still fun to play with others today, and worth playing as a piece of Video Game History.

Let's Be Honest Who in Their Damn Mind Says : "Pong Is a Masterpiece🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓"

these graphics fucking suck

The most complicated piece of media in videogame history, since mastering this game is a challenge that can take human's time decades, it's complexity goes beyond normal comprehension and is a serious study case where you can increase reaction capability by just playing this masterpiece.

If you want to become the smartest, play this game, is GOOD.

God this game is great, it’s never gonna get better then this

First video game ever is....competitive? Mano a mano? Maybe battle royales are closer to the original vision of gaming. Did a game of Pong ever bring the worst out of someone?

In the quest to log every game I've ever played in my life, it was apparent that things like this would occur. I've played Pong. But how, why, or when, I do not know.

Why didn't they make elden ring as the first video game ever instead are the devs stupid?

PowerUp London on a Binatone TV Color Game