Reviews from

in the past

Sci-fi version of PQ: Challenge of the Warlords. So if you liked that, you probably will like this. I think the sci-fi aspect is not as interesting. It's not really that different though and I found it kind of frustrating and seemed like the computer was cheating at times. I gave up after a few hours as I thought it was too addicting but no payoff. You just keep thinking, one more, and then you have another generic thing to do. Someone could probably make a great game based on this gameplay but this isn't it.

Not a perfect game by any means but the story is interesting enough and the puzzle gameplay is enjoyable.

You can buy or craft weapons and upgrades to customize your ship's attack and defense options that change the pace of combat and make you look out for different colors on the board. The number of choices in ship customization is surprising. Not huge, but more than you'd expect for a game like this.
Mining is also done via puzzles and is a unique take on it.

It's not as good as original Puzzle Quest, but it's still a very qood match three puzzle game with RPG-style development, upgrades, skills and multiple game modes like hacking and mining.