Reviews from

in the past

This is an oddly entertaining, kinda Snake-like maybe, puzzle game.

There are some serious difficulty spikes, coming mostly from the many ways to solve some specific levels. I realized at certain point those levels were just too much for me and looked up a guide when I wasn't able to solve those. I'd say it ended up being around 4-5 total (out of the 63 levels). Which is commendable, but I'd love to be able to solve those levels myself. It just felt at those points, the options were so many, the levels were too open, no clear point to start or end the "eating". Poor level design for those? Did I just miss something? Can't really tell, but I tried.

Besides that, this is a solid puzzle game. On the Switch, it controls best with touch controls. It's satisfrying indeed. Sometimes more frying that satis but oh well. Mostly recommended for hardcore puzzle fans. Kind of what happened to me after I tried Tetris for the first time, I ended up thinking about how to optimize my eating path a little too much when I wasn't playing. That's always a good thing.