Reviews from

in the past

as a game on its own divorced from any greater context, its one of the worst platformers ive ever played. feels like the kind of thing that would be too shoddy to even be hosted on miniclip: slippery ass movement with oddly stiff platforming, absurd levels of knockback, weird to judge attacks, a lack of any kind of thought going into level design, all screams amateur hour. also, whenever you jump or attack there's this weird screen shake that makes me kinda sick. I imagine the dev knew people would be playing this for the sick lore rather than as an actual game so they put little to no effort into making the game itself fun (fun fact, those two ideas can actually coexist in one game and it makes both elements better! see mibibli's quest)

as a piece of lore designed first and foremost to expand on the "horror" of andy's apple farm...why does this exist? whats the point in making some other shitty fake 80s game to put the continued spooky story in? theres zero cohesion to any ideas in this thing, just walk into a random wall or something and you see a Bone Chilling Terrifying Cutscene or some shitty walkaround section. why not just make andys apple farm 2 or something? if this is supposed to be like "the game the dad or whoever was making that also people got trapped in" it sure doesnt come off much like one, feels like a bastardization of old nes games from someone who's only heard of them through internet telephone, like some video game version of kung fury.

i liked the one song in it tho, it was pretty catchy. the spectrogram parts cool too, always a sucker for that kind of shit.