Reviews from

in the past

Why are Portal 1 mods so much better than Portal 2 ones?

it's okay, but the story is forgettable
the energy orbs stuff gets boring real quick

It isn't terrible but the main gimmick of energy puzzle got extremely boring and repetitive real quicker... most of these puzzle were just mediocre. Also I know this was made in 2014 but god the glados voice actor... the dialogue in general was kinda just eeeh. This was just mid.


It took me 19 days to beat this 3-hour Portal mod.

Rexaura is a pretty well-known mod in the Portal community, so I decided to try it out after beating the other big mods like Portal Stories: Mel and Portal Revolution since I was still eager to play more of the same. Unlike the two mods listed above, Rexaura is a Portal 1 mod and focuses exclusively on the energy ball mechanic from that game and adds new elements like reactive gates to introduce new ways to utilise these energy balls. Now, as you could possibly guess, relying on the same mechanic for the entirety of your mod grows a little stale after a while. This is one of the main reasons why I felt so demotivated to finish Rexaura - I didn't have anything to look forward, since I'd just get more energy ball chambers. The puzzles themselves aren't even bad and I found them to be quite fun overall. That's where it stops though, the story is pretty underwhelming for a Portal game and the ending felt rushed. Especially the dialogue is nothing noteworthy and I couldn't even name you a line which especially stood out to me, which is also saddening since I'm a big fan of the passive commentary in other (fan)games of the Portal universe.

But as I said before, the puzzles in Rexaura are enjoyable enough to be worth your time, so check it out if you're still looking for more Portal. It wouldn't be my first choice because of the aforementioned criticisms, yet I had my fair share of fun and am satisfied with what it had to offer. Now that this game is finally out of the way, I can dedicate my time to games I actually want to play properly without Rexaura haunting my thoughts. Thanks for reading.

played this recently and its pretty good although there are some problems with some puzzles relying on you figuring out one specific gimmick to proceed, and the last puzzle kinda sucks
also the glados voice makes me appreciate that exists now
all in all if you're on a portal kick id recommend it