Reviews from

in the past

Review #18 - 2020

See the game in action!

Having been used to playing flash games that were primarily 2D back in the early 2000s, seeing this game on Miniclip absolutely blew me away. Not many 3D web games looked as polished as this one did, and with 8 great and challenging levels to play, it was an absolute favorite to return to. Think Monkey Ball, but with a little marble that you move across platforms to reach a goal.

I finally did something I always wanted to do as a child, and purchased the full license that was only $10, which gave you access to all 50 levels. FIFTY. I still haven't beaten this game, for it gets harder and harder, but that should say something about how wonderful this little game really is. I doubt many got to experience the full package, and I wish it was still on sale for those to buy. Now with flash dead and gone, I wish the game was at the very least playable. Thank goodness I still have that old file, but there is a chance you could be able to play this game even now...

Check this video's description!

If that doesn't work, at least the demo might!