Reviews from

in the past

Saw this recommended on Reddit, and it was very cheap on sale, so figured why not. I got just about what I paid for, which is a simple little roguelite-ish type turn-based combat game where you pick a path, Slay the Spire style, and try to survive through three boards. Hard at first, but you unlock permanent upgrades and, after just a couple of hours, you end up so strong that you win every time. Not much depth to the combat and the only run variety is in which items you find, but the items are very uninteresting and are only minor stat upgrades for each individual character, which essentially means that the run variety is nearly zero.

Still, it's well-made for what it is and the mere hours it lasts, has cute graphics and is inoffensive fun for a few hours. I was looking for a chill, lazy weekend type of game and got one, though it's hard not to wish that they had taken this solid foundation and built something a bit longer, harder and more varied.