Reviews from

in the past

This might not be an actual game, but I'm still going to put it on my log and review it here:

Ah, the RPG Maker 2000. It brings back a lot of childhood memories.

The first time I heard about it was through a magazine about PC games. I always had a fable for level editors and having played various SNES video games, I was excited to hear that you could make your very own video games in basically the same style.

My brother someday got the Don Miguel version of the maker (just a little fun fact: we did not actually have internet at home back then, so something like that was like a big achievement!) and we both tried around with this tool. Well, we obviously had no real idea how that tool works or how to use its full potential. We had no internet back then, so looking up tutorials was a no-go. The first projects were basically just "Copyright Infringement - The Game" that used no switches or variables… Wanted to change the state of a treasure chest on the map? CREATED A COPY OF THE MAP. I don’t care that my player might not play the game in my intentional order!!

Luckily I learned a lot about RPG Maker in the countless years I used the various installments even though the number of games I released is like… Pretty low!

The RPG Maker 2000 is one of my favorite RPG Makers, though I prefer the 2003 version a bit more for its additional options. Still, I can’t deny that the RPG Maker 2000 also allowed a lot of people out there to become creative and create their own little Indie masterpieces and fan games.