Reviews from

in the past

Every time I see a papaya I get PTSD flashbacks. Fuck you, Angelica.

Probably the first GC game I ever sat down and played through. Very fun mixed bag of levels to keep a little one engaged, and the IP is always comfortingly familiar.

"Hmm, instead of making minigames that are simple and clearly - visually - show what you're meant to do, let's put a tedious spoken explanation before each one! Then let's mess-up all the controls and make it so that you need to collect a bunch of random bullshit in order to progress, so that you can play harder and even-more complicated minigames later-on!"

"Yeah! The 5 year olds who got this game from an elderly relative for Christmas will definitely figure-out how it all works!"
- The developers of this game, apparently.

I barely remember anything about this game but I enjoyed it as a kid. Don't know how well it'd hold up today, though (probably not well)

Sub par platformer and the only rugrats game I've ever played.

First game of 2021, THE BAR HAS BEEN SET. Firstly, if your planning on playing this, play on Baby Easy difficulty. The way difficulty scales in this game is that you basically just have to do more in a given level to win. For example, in a level where you have to Collect 4 monkeys on easy, you need to collect 8 on normal, and presumably more than that on Reptar Hard. Just play on easy, the game already goes on way to long as is, dont make it worse. The way this is designed also is really stupid. The game pretty much has 9 Worlds, with 2 to 3 levels in each world. There are a variety of goals and missions in these levels, but the games main goal is to collect Big Batteries in order to progress to the next set of worlds. In terms of collectables, there are basicly 4, Coins in which 100 grant another shot at entering a baby in the Play Area, Funny Money that can be used to buy minigames to play with a friend, Small Batteries that are needed to enter levels, and the previously mentioned Big Batteries. In practice, Coins essentially become useless after the first 30 mins so there pointless to even mention. Each level before you enter tells you how many batteries are hidden in it and how much you have collected, but there is no way of seeing how many batteries are needed to enter?? I wanted to complete every single level, but due to this stupid set up, there were about 5 out of 26 levels i couldbt even get into without needing to grind for small batteries. And the Big Batteries become useless after a certain point when you unlock the final level!! The Funny Money is also really hard to collect alot of because the game is so stingey with it, meaning the game I bought for multiplayer purposes, I had to grind the single player just to unlock the multiplayer games. But worst of all was, once I went to go to the final level and then beat the game, the game never saves or anything so once you win you get booted back to your most recent save, which for me was 3 hours ago!! WHY RUGRATS ROYAL RANSOM, WHY? The character animations aren't bad for a 2002 licensed cartoon game though and all the voice lines are cool, even if they repeat them every 5 seconds.

This game was surprisingly fun back in the day, although I haven't played it again as an adult so I may be blinded by my nostalgia glasses.

Holy shit this was like crack

Much like the show it's based on, the visuals really stand out to me, and the only reason I gave up on the game was because I had lost my copy.

Expansive game with creative ideas for kids. Engaged the fuck out of me when I was young, zero complaints here.

I remember being enthralled by this game as a little kid but it's really nothing special, as can probably be assumed by the branding, box art, gameplay, graphics...

why did i get lost in the living room

My FAVORITE Rugrats game. I'm a sucker for levels with themes and this game has them all. A dino level, a circus level, space, medieval, jungle etc. One of the better Nickelodeon games.

a sub-par 3d platformer that's surprisingly frustrating. fuck papayas