Reviews from

in the past

Either the most drugged up game I've ever played or the greatest game ever made.

You can be a Toilet
Greatest game ever.

Where did it all go wrong? (Here.)

I like that this is a true sequel, which makes everything much stupider and takes the stakes much higher (you have superpowers instead of guns), but I still think the previous game was funnier. This would've been a 6-7 rating for me, but playing this in co-op is impossible due to constant disconnects, which led me to drop the game.

Played this way back in 2014 didn't get very far, put it down (I think I sold me copy on Xbox 360) and didn't play it again until 2021 (got a digital copy this time via PSN). I do remember making a character and getting to a point where you are fighting enemies in your birthday suit and got stuck at the escape section (bane of my existence) and not touched it since.

Becoming President was the only logical step to go in for this series. Actually, I think this is the one you fight aliens.....?

President ganster fights alien forces

Melhor game da franquia com a missão parodiando metal gear

Um downgrade enorme do 3º jogo, devido a parecer uma DLC mal feita.

Again, many hate but it's alright.

probably one of, if not the worst game ive ever played. the characters are boring and a joke compared to the last games, the setting is just awful and lazy and a lot of it depends entirely on nostalgia and references to carry it.

GTA com superpoderes e paródia hiper zoada, é muito legal sair pela cidade destruindo tudo, correndo e pulando por tudo

I don't really care about the rest of the series, but this game is one of my favorites. It's just fun as fuck.

I don't remember much of this game at all, it feels like a fever dream to me. Hell, the game itself IS a fever dream, so I'll just leave it with this.

I don't really jive with Saints Row series but for some reason I played this one and anyway I didn't jive with it.

Almeno puoi bombarti Kinzie.

I played this on 360 and i had to buy it like 3 times cause the disc got too hot so i guess i really liked it

This game is wierd as hell. A president of USA Doing wierd stuff and dancing like Gen Z girls from tik tok and having too many special abilities you never saw them on any X-Men movies and saying cringe jokes and fighting aliens while traveling the map like mix of Spiderman, Hulk and Batman.

However, the games is fun!

As the US president you need to choose wisely between ending world's hunger or having two more pole bars in your office

I can appreciate what Saints Row 4 is going for when it trades the strings of (barely) grounded storytelling for the freedom of a world where aliens invade, and the President (you) gains superpowers and a spaceship. I am here for the ridiculousness, believe me; but this game de-emphasizes Saints Row 3’s pretty robust spin on GTA’s open-world carjacking and minigames to build out a comparatively flaccid take on something akin to Prototype or inFAMOUS. For all the zany pretense, Saints Row 4 lacks the identity previous games had.

same thing as 3 but a little boringer

No haber jugado este juego una vez en tu vida es un delito

This review contains spoilers

Great conquers were made in Saints Row: The Third, but this time the leader of the Saints, the "Boss", saves the world by ending the terrorists' plans and becomes a president. The bad news is that the aliens, the Zin, led by Zinyak, invade the Earth and kidnap a part of the population, including the leader of the Saints, Shaundi, Pierce, Matt, Keith, Ben, Asha, Kinsie, and... JOHNNY!

After Kinzie helps the Saints leader to escape the Zins' spaceship, something terrible happens to Earth... It explodes and Zinyak ends up killing billions of people, yeah. After that, you guys can figure it out.

The graphics didn't change much compared to Saints Row: The Third, and the gameplay remains the same too, although with new abilities and powers.

The game gives you everything and it makes everything lack meaning. Superpowers are neat idea, but the controlls are really bad.
