Reviews from

in the past

Couldn't get behind the Empires games until a lot later in my gaming career

This is a very weird game, because its a expansion but the main expansion mode is super bare boned. Choose a feudal war lord (or create a character), conquest japan regions and win , simply as that, there is not many political options nor many decisions that your enemy can make. Even in battle the options of strategy are very basic. Play the basic version or the extreme legends one. This one you can skip.

Love this game.
I wish it got a PC port.

Non riesco davvero a capire cosa ci sia di bello nei vecchi musou.
Speravo di riuscire ad afferrare il motivo con questo empires, l'unico per me giocabile al momento (il 3 empires è solo jap e il 4 empires solo su ps4) ma niente.
La mancanza di veri obiettivi, l'assenza di strategia in generale e sopratutto LA LENTEZZA DEL GAMEPLAY rovina tutto per me.

fun memories playing this during ramadan.