Reviews from

in the past

I had an urge to play another Action JRPG recently, so I decided to give Scarlet Nexus a try.
Despite hearing mostly decent things about the game, I didn't have high expectations for it, and after playing through it, I'm glad I did, for several reasons.
First of all, I'm gonna get 2 things out of the way; the gameplay is very good, it's not perfect, but it's deep enough to keep the player entertained for at least 1 playthrough.
Also, the art style is good as well.
With that being said, however, the most interesting thing about Scarlet Nexus is that everything else in this game just... kinda sucks.
The worst offender in my opinion is the whole "PowerPoint presentation/Manga panel" looking cutscenes; oh my god, they're SO goddamn boring! And if that wasn't enough, the story, the writing and the characters are just awful; nonsensical time travel garbage paired with literally every generic trope imaginable. It's like the game doesn't try to be interesting or unpredictable in the slightest.
It doesn't help that the game is very linear, so you go from cutscene to cutscene every few minutes, listening to its terrible characters and writing all the time.
While the game's world has interesting concept and ideas, the level design is pretty bad and most areas are rehashed multiple times through the story.
Also, the enemy and boss variety is seriously lacking.
Lastly, the last few missions and the final dungeon are so tedious, it's almost unbearable.

+ Enjoyable and cool gameplay
+ Nice visuals
+ Intriguing concept and world

- Very boring cutscene format
- Badly written & completely generic story and characters
- Extremely linear structure and level design
- Rehashed levels and very poor enemy variety
- Flawed pacing

Narrative: 2/10
Gameplay: 8/10
Content: 5/10
Characters: 2/10
Music: ?/10
Art Style: 7/10

Final Rating: 4/10
- Weak -
Scarlet Nexus is the kind of game where you have to "turn off your brain" and enjoy the gameplay without paying attention to anything else around it... because everything else in this game just sucks.

Do I recommend it?:
Not really, but only at low price if you're interested in it.

very fun DMC-style gameplay, fun fast and great music

Kind of grindy. I played through with one character and meant to return but decided there are much better RPGs to play.

Good and I recommend it, if it's your style and your taste, because if not, there's no point in recommending it to you.

Provavelmente vou voltar a jogar num futuro próximo. É um RPG bem japonês, com um combate similar a Devil May Cry. Porém não me prendeu a atenção e eu resolvi jogar outros jogos.

This was the first proper PS5 game I owned for the console. Before then I was using the most powerful console on the market to play PS2 games

This stylish anime-inspired action game may get a bit too repetitive in both storytelling and structure. The actual narrative is genuinely fascinating, though, featuring an original game world and a memorable cast of characters. I loved the combat as well, as its team-based JRPG mechanics are implemented well for a character action battle system.

Full Review:

The presentation is pretty great, but the game is definitely B-Tier Bandai Namco.

With this in mind you may be able to enjoy the game if you didn't expect too much in the first place.

It was okay. Nothing too crazy. The dual story protagonists was a cool choice. Story fell apart near the end. The dual attacks with your party members were awesome, really showed how different everyone was. Monster designs were pretty sweet.

Addicting gameplay with ok story, but some of the bonding story is boring

[Main Story]
The story that involves the game in someway is interesting, because you have two points of view to the same story, the graphic and environment are good but the level design could be a little better in my opinion. The way the story is telling to the player I like the visual novel aspect, but also the small cutscene were you make bounds with your friends were let you know little more about them. There are some soundtrack I did like, but not all of them. I think in the end the game is good but don't put high expectations like I did.

Interesting setting, 2 playable intertwined campaigns and a great action focused combat system.

Algo decepcionado con el juego. Tiene unos diseños de enemigos y de poderes bastante notables, el lore del juego también está bien construido, pero desaprovecha por completo todo con una trama y unos escenarios muy mediocres, además de unos personajes bastante tediosos y con los que se empatiza poco a lo largo del juego.

I love this game. The combat, especially when you get into the second half of the game just feels so good. Both characters get so powerful by the end that you can fill the screen with particle effects but never get lost in the action. Enemy designs are really creative and disturbing, though I wish there were more of them. The branching narrative works pretty well, but Yuito does feel like the intended PoV character. I still liked Kasane and all of the other side characters. The plot gets wild but still fun. My only complaints are that I wish certain things were dialed up a bit, such as enemy variety, special psychokinesis objects, boss variety, and non-combat useage of powers.

good game with amazing combat, good story, good side character development and great enemy design, the only weakest part of the is it's level design which is basically the problem of almost every action JRPG
solid 8/10
side characters are typical anime like so there's that but if anyone is into anime type games highly recomment it
combat is by far superior and is in my top 10 of all time.

Boa historia, bons personagens, otima gameplay, o jogo fica um pouco repetitivo na ultima hora antes do ultimo boss.

Played this about a year ago with both main characters, I really enjoyed the great combat and combos you could make with other characters, to create some great chain attacks, the combat felt super fluid. Also down time in the game where you spend it developing a relationship with the other members of your team felt really impactful throughout the game as you progress. My only gripe is that it falls flat story wise near the end.

Scarlet Nexus se convierte en mi primera decepción del año por culpa de un sistema de combates muy interesante pero que se queda a medias, una parte social muy básica que solo sirve para cortar el rollo y una historia con un ritmo francamente malo y contado mediante un formato comic que te saca totalmente del “anime”.

Lo que no me ha gustado:
- La historia. Redundante muchas veces y el formato comic lo arruina.
- El sistema de relaciones con los personajes.
- Muy repetitivo (Tanto niveles como enemigos) y alargado artificialmente.

Lo que me ha gustado:
- Sus personajes y el sistema de poderes. Con una mejor implementación y sinergia entre ellos podría haber estado muchísimo mejor el combate. Hay mucho potencial.

Nota final: 6

Gameplay was fun, the story was interesting but short and felt compact

This is one of the games that where released in 2021

- ×+× -
Dentro de lo que cabe fue buen juego Anime, su combate tiene variedad de ataques, música buena y una historia digna. Por ratos se me hizo difícil, repetitivo pero muy frenetico cuando mejoras a tu PJ.
Es un juego de mucho texto por si acaso

An overly complex story with forgettable characters and a grab bag of mechanics make for a boring experience. It's stop start pacing and boring quests leave little to be desired. Combat gets really enjoyable towards the end but you will need to slog through lots of boring bits to get there. Visually good game though.

Como um player que realmente não liga pra lore de video games, eu realmente curti bastante scarlet nexus!! O combate apesar de ser limitado é bem divertido! Os SAS apesar de também serem limitados são bem legais de usar (Principalmente o do clone/raio/controle psiquico)

Eu joguei na perspectiva do yuito e pretendo sim jogar com a kasane depois

Os personagens são MUITO legais pelo menos pra mim. Eles são bem arquetipozinhos de anime mas me agradaram assim mesmo (Tamo junto luka!!!)

Quando comentei sobre a limitação de combate eu quis dizer mais sobre a oportunidade que eles tiveram pra fazer um sistema de combate mais legalzinho, tipo, o Yuito tem os poderes psiquicos e tal mas ele só tem a opção de ataque fraco, ataque forte, ataque carregado, e ataque psiquico... é mostrado no jogo o quanto ele tem liberdade sobre as coisas com os poderes dele mas acaba que é só isso mesmo. Os SAS são entram meio que nisso também, acabam sendo poderes simples que poderiam ser mais bem desenvolvidos ou algo do tipo

I finished Astral Chain. I could not finish this.
Really mid anime game and I have my limits.

I really liked this game. Overall I thought the story was decent but the character writing… could’ve been better… The combat and gameplay were great, and soundtrack was fire.

It’s the best bamco game that doesn’t have “Tales of” in the title or was developed by Fromsoftware. It’s def a step in the right direction for them.

This review contains spoilers

Loved everything from the story and characters up until THE FUCKING MOON REVEAL. Literal abyss fiction after that. Saved by fun but repetitive gameplay and music. Visuals are very nice too liked more than Code Vein visuals. Overall fine kinda sad the story fell off.