Reviews from

in the past

Este juego me parecio guapisimo, y cuando salio lo compre. El combate esta guapo, en universo tambien, e imagino que el anime estara decente, pero dios mio, como puedes joder un juego tanto. O sea, un juego entiendo que hagas que cada X tiempo hayan dialogos y cosas asi, pero este juego te deja hacer un combate y te mete en 1 hora de conversaciones, y ya imaginate jugarlo de nuevo todo para los logros.

Great soundtrack, decent and varied combat, but none of that good enough to drag me through the most clumsy dialog ever written. Doesn't give you time to reflect on infer characters emotions when they're constantly talking about what they're thinking.
It sucks, was kinda excited for this one.

Discreto, ma troppe cutscenes e non tutti i personaggi sono interessanti.

I have never seen a fast paced action game that has such a poor dodge before. It lacks an animation cancel so whenever you attack you are committed to it and cannot dodge mid attack. So you have a fast paced hack n slash with a dodge that does not work and a story that could easily be solved if the main characters literally just talked to each other.

Vsf teve pico de luz na ultima cutscene

Amei cada segundo desse jogo, só senti falta de uma dublagem brasileira e valor acessível (joguei pelo Game Pass na época que estava disponível). Entretanto, a história linear não incentiva o suficiente a querer jogar pela 2ª vez passando pelo ponto de vista do outro protagonista.

Scarlet Nexus has some of the most anime ass scenes, combat and dialogue that I’ve ever witnessed and my god does it feel so good.
The game itself is a brilliant hack and slash with gorgeous in game cutscenes and visual novel type dialogue boxes that create a wonderful game overall.
The story itself is so anime. If you love anime, you’ll enjoy this game purely due to its wild plot that escalates every single chapter and always tops itself until it’s heartfelt conclusion is reached.
In terms of gameplay, I can not recommend the PS5 version enough. The vibration and haptic feedback in the controller creates for the some of the most incredible feeling combat as you’re hacking away at the absolute insanely unique monsters the game throws at you.
As you level up, the game offers way more in terms of combat and you begin to combo into combos, hitting every button you could ever imagine to create an anime battle that looks as spectacular as a full blown cutscene but in game.
Shoutout for them using The Oral Cigarettes “Dream in Drive” as its opening because that song slaps and that band slaps harder.
Overall, this game was extremely enjoyable. I had a fantastic time with its plot and even more so with its gameplay.
If you’re looking for another reason why I think the PS5 owns the world with its dual sense controller. This is yet another shining example

Segunda vez que lo intento y no hay manera. El mundo que dibuja es muy interesante con una historia muy enigmática que te dan ganas de descubrir. El combate es divertido y desafiant con muchas variantes y enemigos con diseños muy curiosos. Muchas muchas virtudes por todas partes... Pero el ritmo es HORRIBLE. Cada vez que se anima la cosa y te atrapa te lleva de vuelta a la guarida. Venga un par de misiones de vínculo (amistad) con los compañeros muy a lo Persona y salimos de nuevo de misión. Se anima se anima, combate divertido...yyy de vuelta a la guarida. Y así toooodo el rato. Déjame jugar!! Bah!

combate massa, história básica e diversão garantida