Reviews from

in the past

over the course of the Puyo Puyo Tetris PowerPoint Presentation i found the limits of doing serious analyses of puzzle game characters. no matter what we might wish of their stories and our ships, puzzle games don't have a history of deep storytelling. (i mean of course, but also: why? why can't a puzzle game tell a story without being campy at best, inane at worst? why is it always manzai?) this overserious cynicism was dashed away instantly, in bewildered wonderment, by the characters of Sen-Know. they didn't mask a puzzle game that lacks clarity, simplicity, and crystalline psychology in how it handles mistakes and garbage pieces (though looking at the attract mode, i did miss a lot). but they were fun and intriguing faces to a rich cyberpunk world. please translate this. it's an aesthetic theme park ride, you'll like it.