Reviews from

in the past

it's been ages since i've played it, but the combat was some real fucking fun

I played this game ages and ages ago, it was hard to find a physical copy of it but I managed to. This is one of my favourite games of all time. When I managed to finish it, I felt like I accomplished something big because this is a hard game, it takes patience and some combat skill. Each character has their special type of weapon, and each one has their own storyline at the start - Zoe has always been my favourite character. As soon as I saw that this game got released on Steam, I felt fucking happy, legit. I've been waiting for this game to be released on Steam for years, I even signed a petition a while back, but finally, this game is here. I bought it without needing to think twice since it is a game that I love so much, and I am looking forward to reliving good memories, this time with a higher resolution and running on a more recent machine.

One of the games with the worst gameplay mechanics I've ever seen. If I lived for 25 years in a cave and it was the first game I ever played, maybe I would like it.

Love this game to the death. An underrated gem.

una joya del videojuego español, souls de 2001

All I can remember is pain and suffering. I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out why I subjected myself to playing it, let alone completing the campaign. Maybe I was just desperate for something to play back then...

The combat's super good, very gruesome, the levels have nice secrets and in repeat playthroughs the differences between the characters make you switch up how you play. Just make sure you remap the controls.

if Dark Souls invented video games then what did this invent...?

Apreciación inicial del juego (editaré esta publicación cuando termine de jugarlo)

Me pareció entretenido por lo que llegué a probar, además de encantarme el aspecto visual. Pero tiene muchos errores; primero los detalles, los espacios de calma y de apreciación al entorno son bastante breves, no digo que no existan, es que hubiera deseado que tuvieran más presencia, ya que le hubiera venido bien al juego para que tuviera una mayor variedad, ahí viene otro problema: el juego llega a sentirse monótono, ya que muchas veces los combos son bastante básicos y llegan, de hecho, a entorpecer las peleas, así que solo queda esquivar, bloquear y atacar, y es que en eso se resumen muchos combates del juego. Otro problema es que una parte de la dificultad se resume en lo tosco que resulta, no lo digo tanto por los controles, sino por el tema de bugs, hit box, entornos y movimientos.