Reviews from

in the past

Not simply one of the best horror games, but one of the best works of horror fiction ever crafted.

Its story is rooted heavily in horror tropes of the past but ascends past its typical dead wife plot line thanks primarily to its restraint and self-respect. It takes the time to cultivate a unique atmosphere inspired by its filmic cousins (Jacob’s Ladder primarily) not interested in just scaring the player but forcing them to endure truly horrifying environments. All of this aided by one of the greatest soundtracks ever composed for a video game.

A high mark in the medium that all studios should be aiming for.

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Esse jogo tem a MELHOR história que eu presenciei em uma mídia de terror!

O meu segundo jogo da lista do meu desafio foi o aclamado Silent Hill 2, que meus amigos... que espetáculo!

Silent Hill 2 conta a história de James Sunderland, um homem solitário que está atrás de sua falecida esposa Mary, já que misteriosamente ele recebeu uma carta na qual ela o chama para as colinas silenciosas, mais precisamente no "local favorito" do casal.

Do começo ao fim, o jogo consegue passar com tranquilidade sua vibe sinistra e os monstros te deixam aflitos quando vem em sua direção.

Os ambientes são um ponto fortíssimo, já que são muito bem feitos e bem encaixados no universo do jogo. Cada local que você passa tem detalhes únicos e um propósito de estar ali, já que os cenários são uma parte essencial para contar a história, tanto dos personagens secundários quanto o próprio James.

Todos os personagens apresentados no jogo são cativantes e você se importa com eles. A cada aparição deles é uma forma de "alívio", pois são os únicos humanos que você tromba em sua caminhada! (mas todos eles são estranhos)

O Horror vai cada vez se tornando mais presente conforme mais afundo você adentra a cidade, como se você estivesse mergulhando de cabeça na mente de James.

Já a Gameplay teve melhoras em relação ao 1° jogo mas ela também envelheceu mal, com a câmera te fudendo em várias partes do jogo. Os puzzles são mais fáceis que o 1° jogo, o que pra mim é um bom sinal (sou burro).

O sistema de backsitting desse jogo é muito mais refinado e com certeza mais gratificante em relação ao 1° jogo. Não teve um momento na qual eu me perdi nos objetivos do jogo.

A exploração desse jogo é bem recompensadora, dando munição de sobra para enfrentar os chefes das áreas. Em certo momento da gameplay, eu tava com tanto recurso que eu podia descarregar varios pentes em quem eu quisesse que eu ainda teria munição para os inimigos mais comuns.

A aparência dos monstros é um show a parte. Os design dos bixos são conectados com a mente perturbada de James, como se fosse uma manifestação dos desejos/medos do protagonista.


Sobre o final... Eu acabei pegando o "In Water", onde o protagonista (após descobrir que ele foi o responsável pela morte de sua amada) decide se "churrascar" atacando o carro no mar. Durante a gameplay, o cenário começa a contar o final da parada, com o mundo invertido maluco lá dando sinais de "molhado" e certas referências a SMT nos
puzzles do hotel. As cenas finais são de arrepiar!

No geral, eu recomendo esse jogo para QUALQUER PESSOA. É uma experiência única e eu amei cada pedacinho dele...


In my restless dreams, I see that town, Silent Hill..

a word of advice: if you love psychological horror, especially silent hill, YOU NEED TO READ CRIME & PUNISHMENT. i understand how a 600 page book released 150 years ago in a format that doesn't exist anymore can seem off-putting or intimidating; i promise you it hasn't aged a day. crime & punishment can suffocate you with tension and anxiety comparable to any horror movie or game using words alone. the characters are oceans of beauty and flaws that will stick with you forever. without dostoevsky, there would be no shining, there would be no subahibi, and there would be no silent hill. read it and thank me later.

An awesome story about guilt, love, anger, hopelessness, regret... Mary's letter always makes me cry.

music good
(seriously i cannot do anything productive if i dont have silent hill's ost in the background i think this is an illness send help)

Silent Hill 2 é uma obra-prima do horror psicológico que continua a assombrar os jogadores desde o seu lançamento em 2001. Este jogo é como uma jornada sombria para o coração da escuridão, onde cada passo é permeado por uma atmosfera de terror e mistério.

A primeira coisa que se destaca em Silent Hill 2 é o seu enredo profundo e emocional. Ao contrário de muitos jogos de terror, que se concentram apenas em sustos baratos, Silent Hill 2 mergulha nas profundezas da psique humana, explorando temas como culpa, redenção e o lado mais sombrio da natureza humana. A história é contada de forma magistral, com reviravoltas surpreendentes e personagens complexos que ficarão com você muito tempo após o término do jogo.

A atmosfera é outro ponto alto. Silent Hill 2 cria uma sensação de opressão e desespero como nenhum outro jogo. A cidade de Silent Hill é um lugar verdadeiramente assustador, com neblina densa, ruas vazias e edifícios decrépitos que parecem ter vida própria. E a trilha sonora? Arrepiante. Cada nota musical parece projetada para enviar calafrios pela espinha e aumentar a tensão a cada passo.

Além disso, os enigmas e quebra-cabeças do jogo são inteligentes e desafiadores, sem serem frustrantes. Eles se encaixam perfeitamente na narrativa, acrescentando camadas de complexidade à experiência de jogo.

E, é claro, não posso deixar de mencionar os monstros. Silent Hill 2 apresenta algumas das criaturas mais perturbadoras já vistas em um videogame, cada uma delas representando os medos e os demônios internos dos personagens. Enfrentá-las é uma experiência angustiante, mas também profundamente catártica.

Em resumo, Silent Hill 2 é mais do que apenas um jogo de terror. É uma obra de arte interativa que desafia as noções convencionais de narrativa e imersão. É um jogo que fica com você muito tempo após terminá-lo, assombrando seus sonhos e fazendo você questionar a própria natureza da realidade. Por essas razões e muitas outras, merece sem dúvida uma nota perfeita de 10/10. É simplesmente inesquecível.

one of the greatest horror games of all times- and for good reasons! it is absoluetly revolutionary in every way it is just simply the goat and what started my love for silent hill games

All I did for the past 2 days was play this game. Ended up completing it in 14 hours(I was very slow with some of the puzzles lol).

This game hits hard.

I don't think I've ever been as attached and immersed in a world as much as I have with Silent Hill. I was speechless throughout this whole game. It's absolutely a must-play, all the praise it gets is extremely well-deserved.

[In my restless dreams, I see that town. Silent Hill.]

This review contains spoilers

For personal reference more than anything else.

Second time playing through this after the first time four years ago. Played on Xbox One with the HD Collection version. Beginner action difficulty and Normal riddle difficulty. Got the 'Rebirth' ending. Also played 'Born From A Wish' on Easy.

The first time I played this game I came out of it seeing it less as a game and more of an experience, thinking that I had no issues with it and basically considering it perfect. This time around though I found that I did have issues and didn't think it was perfect anymore but I felt that I was able to appreciate it a lot more compared to when I first played it. I also saw it more as a video game but there were multiple moments towards the end where I was genuinely so surprised to look down and see a controller in my hands as I was so completely invested and had just forgotten that I was playing a game.

This is a very good game, I think this way at least more to the story, audio and presentation. Admittedly some story and character stuff did go over my head but I didn't really mind that and it just made me want to have a look and see what other people think or see what theories there are. The music is also great with a quite a few songs that were really good and captured the feeling the game was going for, although there were a couple I weren't entirely sure on.

But the main thing that got me was just how brilliant certain sections in this game were due to a mixture of the design of the locations and the sound design. The game is already creepy enough but the prison has got to be one of the creepiest sections I've ever played in a game before, where I genuinely felt relief when I heard the static from the radio meaning one of the monsters were nearby as at least they were something I recognised and found almost comforting in a weird way as opposed to the incredibly unpleasant looking prison and all the strange noises it housed.

And then there's the hotel which is already a great location but it gets so much better once James has his revelation and the hotel transforms into this dilapidated and desolate building that for a short while I felt almost trapped in with so many locked rooms and the guest rooms that the majority of kept looping sending James back to the same areas. Throughout a lot of the second half of the game it just kind of got to me how horrific of an experience this all was and what James must be going through in his head (or what Silent Hill deemed fit for him after his actions (I don't really know which it is in all honesty but I think it's one of these two)) to create this.

My biggest issue with the game though is the gameplay unfortunately, while I played from start to finish on the aforementioned difficulty options today, I actually started playing yesterday with the action difficulty on Normal, this was a pretty bad decision on my part. I don't really like the combat of this game and the way I saw it, lower difficulty meant less hits that each enemy would need to take and it meant that I could spend less time doing the combat. I think I may have gone a bit too far and should have just put it on Easy as while I wasn't too bothered about the normal enemies, the boss fights were going down in about 10-30 seconds which hurt the impact of them I think. As for riddles, I was actually fine with most of them but the coin one at the beginning I had to look up as I found it a bit too difficult. I also was initially having problems with the movement (and I nearly stopped playing because of it), but then I realised that I didn't have to play with tank controls and instead could change it to '2D Controls' in the options which felt a lot better. Overall though I think the gameplay while being my biggest issue, isn't actually a massive problem as I was able to change things more to my liking.

The characters were good, although I did find Laura kind of annoying and I also was sort of mixed on the voice acting (I played using the original voices) as sometimes I was really into how normal the characters sounded and how they felt like real people when they spoke, but then there were quite a few times where the voice acting just sounded straight up bad and it sort of took me out of it, especially as I can't usually tell when acting of any kind is good or bad. The different characters each having their own story and all going on their own journey just like James made them more compelling, especially considering that they don't all get a whole lot of screen time and it also gave me something to chew on during less story-heavy moments in the game where I could think about them and sort of how 'Silent Hill' as a place actually works.

Something to note here is the fact that I played using the HD Collection which has a bit of a reputation. I didn't really remember having many issues on my first playthrough and this time it was mostly the same. I think the game sort of stopped for like a second two or three times and it also was a bit too dark for me to see in certain areas but other than that I didn't actually have any real issues. One of the biggest things is how this version affects the game on a visual and atmospheric level and considering that I came out of this game, loving how it looked and feeling very freaked out at times or creeped out most of the time, I don't really think it was that bad. I'm sure if I played the original versions I would have a better time but I think the game is able to carry itself and the experience it wants to share with the player, in spite of any potential problems this version brings.

I really liked Born From A Wish as well, it was interesting and had me on edge a lot of the time even if it was a telling a sad story. The story was good and I enjoyed the role Maria played in it but I did have issues with Ernest. I didn't really trust him at all and I didn't even believe that he was actually who he said he was and part of that was down to the voice acting, its already pretty bad I think but actual quality of the sound really didn't help things. I noticed it with Maria a couple of times as well, either the microphone was cheap or the voice actors were too close to the microphone and I think for Ernest it was done on purpose because he's talking from behind a closed door but it still didn't sound right even for that. I also wasn't keen on the puzzle as it felt like it didn't really work with how you solve puzzles in this game. Great little whatever it was though that only took me 45 minutes.

In the end this is truly a special game and I'm so pleased to have had such a great experience on my second playthrough of it. I've come out of this game feeling far more excited about exploring this world than I ever had before and I'm also way more interested in playing more games in the franchise as while I've played a bit of the first four games I've only finished 2 & 3 before so I'm looking forward to playing through more.

"Red Pyramid Thing is a manifestation of James' sin and guilt for..." HIS NAME IS NOT RED PYRAMID THING, ITS PYRAMID HEAD!!!!! PYRAMID HEAD!!!!!!!

In my restless dreams,
I see that town.
Silent Hill
What a great game man :sob:
Glad I decided to give it a try.

meu irmão em cristo esse jogo é arte pura e eu tenho ptsd dessa porra, a tortura psicologica que o james sofre parece até que é transferida para o jogador em absolutamente todos os finais possiveis desse jogo. eu juro que nunca vi uma atmosfera tao bem feita quanto a de silent hill 2 cara. talvez nao exista jogo algum de terror psicologico capaz de chegar aos pés desse, e o remake que tá por vir simplesmente me hypa mais ainda

Silent Hill 2 é simplesmente um dos melhores jogos de terror psicológico, com uma história fenomenal e bem pesada. Uma verdadeira obra-prima do terror psicológico.

zerei novamente jogaooooooooooooooooo as musicas dos endings sao as maiores bangers que existem

still good and i love it but growing up is realizing 3 is the best game

If you've ever felt like you can't play this game because you've been spoiled by the millions of video essays that divulge it's central narrative all I can do is strongly urge you to just play it.
It's plot has been rightfully celebrated but it's the way it consumes the entire play experience, how it strengthens the atmosphere as you walk through pitch black buildings and the nightmarish streets or how it contextualises the dog shit combat as a terribly unpleasant necessity that consumes James and the player. It's also just worth applauding the tremendous level design, which will let you become familiar to a place only to fuck with you and change it's layouts entirely (The Historical Society is one of the best Horror levels of all time in this respect and an experience I won't be quick to forget)
Knowing Silent Hill 2's narrative and twists is only one small fraction of the real greatness of Silent Hill 2, a story that could only be told through this beautiful medium.

them puzzles were kicking my ass

Essa carta final da Mary sempre me faz chorar feito um bebê.

I love it one of the handful of games to make me feel uneasy the entire time

Final do Cachorro é cinema

It’s so good that the gaming industry at large has ripped it off for more than 20+ years.

Finally played it and I'm glad I did because it's one of those games that reminds you why this medium should be considered an art form. Incredibly atmospheric with a haunting and melancholic soundtrack by Akira Yamaoka. A masterpiece in storytelling that you should experience at least once in your life.

It’s a perfect game made by a perfect team in a trilogy of perfect games. Everything about this game rules. Play it now