Reviews from

in the past


abomination. Glad I bought the originals before they got crazy expensive.

it's glitchy and funny for like an hour and then it turns into "silent hill but the camera makes me nauseous"

update: i think the camera is functionally the same. the uncapped (read: inconsistent) fps on the ps3 version of this game combined with the general glitchiness (and a GROSS imovie fog overlay) leads to some real Nausea Moments that i misattributed to the camera itself. that being said i think a lot of problems with port would be ignored by fans or even defended as "intentional" if this was the state the games were originally released in.

I know this version of the game gets a lot of flack for being horrible. But for someone who really just wanted to try these games finally and had no other way of doing it, I can say that I’m pretty satisfied with what I got.

Silent Hill 2 is still just as amazing as people say it is even on this version. Atmosphere feels good and the original voice acting is still there.

Silent Hill 3 on the other hand definitely shows the weaknesses of this version. Weird voice acting, random audio glitches and just all around weird presentation.

If you have no other way of playing these games I would say it’s worth it at least for Silent Hill 2.

OST: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Gameplay: ⭐⭐⭐
Story: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

OST: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Gameplay: ⭐⭐⭐
easier than SH2, but also scarier than SH2
Story: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

This game fails at everything a remaster fundamentally should be.

Born too late to play the games on release,
Born too early to care about a remake,
Born just in time to pay full retail for whatever the heck this thing was

As others have said, don't blame the devs, blame 573. I think if this is all you had, it would be better than nothing. But today there are so many better options - I can't feel good about recommending this version of these games to anybody.

Me encantó esta colección, no tuve la oportunidad de jugar las versiones originales de la PS2, por lo que no podria hacer una comparación, pero como primer acercamiento a la saga está muy bien

The only good thing about this thing is its cover.

una falta de respeto sin cariño

The Silent Hill HD collection is one of the worst things ever set to god's green earth. It'd be one thing if this was just a mediocre conversion of 2 great games but they at least played decently. But no, the Silent Hill HD collection is actively worse and flat out ruins 2 classic games. Performance issues that weren't in the originals, on the whole a worse presentation than the originals, and voice acting which, while not outright terrible, it just doesn't feel right or really match the characters imo. It's even worse that Konami just replaced the original voices cause they were too cheap to pay the original VAs again. All in all, don't play this. If you wanna play Silent Hill 2, grab a copy of the PC version and install the enhanced edition mod, and in the case of 3, either boot up the game on PCSX2 or grab the PC version and install some mods to get it to work on your modern OS. Those games on PC run well on potatoes so there's really no arguing for "accessibility" here. Even if accessibility was the case though, is it really worth the price of getting a worse product than the originals?

Hahaha, i fucking love to be disappointed

still the same games but with garbage va and worse graphics somehow, but again same games so at least an 8/10

keeps all the broadstrokes of sh3 and 2 but there's way too many graphical and auditory errors where I couldn't recommend it to anyone. Also the new voices suck

My first experience with Silent Hill and I'm kind of glad, everything is an improvement after this pile of shit. Comic Sans?

Una de las peores remasterizaciones en la historia de los videojuegos, plagada de bugs y cambios innecesarios que realmente nadie pidió y que los juegos en sí no necesitaban. A eso hay que sumar la ausencia de Silent Hill 4 en la colección.
Si esto hubiese salido en pleno 2023 habría recibido el desprecio que se merece, porque he evidenciado que un buen puñado de la fanbase insiste con justificar uno de los peores ports de la historia.

Vaut mieux faire les originaux.
Pas les mêmes doubleurs....

S tier survival horror for SH 2. I enjoyed a lot of SH3 but the final boss was just silly, maybe just bad execution of the idea.

I'm sorry to those whose first experience with Silent Hill 2 and or 3 was this garbage ass "HD" collection.

For Silent Hill 2 there's a enhanced edition version for PC

and Silent Hill 3 also has a great PC version too. Play those, ignore this.

Also never understood why it's just Silent Hill 2 and 3, those are the ones on the PS2 but the games aren't connected at all. What type of collection has two out of the four games in the series? Specifically the ones made by Team Silent Hill, the others are irrelevant. So stupid.

considering how great both titles are its a shame konami didn't take porting them serious, source code or not. good for the trophy hunters and people who would rather own a physical version of these games

This review contains spoilers

Silent Hill 3's ending like, wtf, you gotta fight God, damn it

Obviously a terrible remake that somehow manages to do everything worse than the originals, but it’s still an enjoyable way to experience SH2. I can’t comment on SH3 though, as I haven’t played that yet. If someone’s first experience with Silent Hill was with this collection, I can fully see how it would be a great experience. For a lot of us though, myself included, we have played the original and can see very clearly how superior that version of the game is and it’s not even close. My only point of praise really is the addition of trophies. In that sense, the game was an incredibly enjoyable experience, allowing me to finally garner the motivation to go for the different endings and get the collectibles that I otherwise would have no reason to go for. If you’re thinking about getting into the Silent Hill games for the first time, and this is your only option, then please don’t get put off by the mass hatred from the fan base. This is not a bad way to play these games, it’s just that there are a lot of alternatives that are infinitely better. If it’s available to you though, please play the Silent Hill 2 PC port with the enhanced patch.

tout simplement une honte absolue qu'un tel produit soit commercialisé