Reviews from

in the past

It's...pretty basic. It's like a Metroidvania-lite that uses Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest as inspiration.

You do get extra abilities to overcome gating, but they're simply double jump and dash. You also get teleport, but that's more of an ability of convenience, since it lets you warp to a few signposts you find along the way.

Enemies don't do much beyond getting in the way. Bosses have pretty basic patterns and you probably won't die to them more than a couple times if you keep on your toes.

There's a leveling system with experience, but I didn't notice any change in health, defense, or attack when I leveled up. The leveling system works on doubling the previous XP total after each iteration, so getting past Level 6 (3200 XP, up from 1600) is unlikely unless you want to grind to not notice a further difference, since enemies pay about 3-4 exp per kill and you have to pick up the experience.

There are some mechanics that aren't specifically explained that you need in order to progress through some areas (hitting an enemy while in the air allows you to swing your weapon up to two more times in a special manner -- otherwise, swinging in the air is a one-time affair and you can't do it again until you hit the ground). I got stuck outside a boss room for close to ten minutes trying to make one jump that utilizes this mechanic (literally no other jumps in the game do).

Also 100%ed this in theory, but one of the achievements didn't unlock, so good times.

My 100% completion run took 2.5 hours with having to pause several times to do some stuff. Whether 2ish hours for 8 bucks is a good deal might vary for people. I'd say for how mediocre this feels, you might do well to wait for a sale. It's not a bad game, but I personally don't think it's a good game, either.