Reviews from

in the past

💗 This game was gifted to Indie Therapy for review.

Are ya ready to turn your groove on and light up the dance floor with Sippy the Unicorn!? Sippy Disco is a casual puzzle game where you must light up the dance floor with Sippy without stepping on the same square more than once! Though since this is a more casual experience, you are not forced to step on squares only once, that is only required if you wish to get a 100% scoring on a level.

Sippy partners up with their friend Parrots, who you can see are grooving on the dance floor with some funky skates on! The difficulty of the puzzles gets higher as you need to control Sippy, but also the Parrots simultaneously. It's still not too hard and is a very family friendly game, where even younger members of the family could enjoy the game!

The artstyle is unique and lovely, it has a "drawn by a child" feeling, but in a good way. There is different decorations you can get for Sippy The Unicorn and as well as different colors. The black background of the game also highlights the colorful dance floor quite nicely.

My only gripe with the game is that there isn't really a good instructions on how the game works, there is some dialogue on what to do in the first levels, but as you go further it gets more difficult and often has some issues. There also was no way of knowing how to collect the cookies, I had to ask another gamer about it, because I had no idea how to get them, as I was seemingly getting them just randomly. I also believe that it would be great if there was a hint option added for the game, as it would help the game be more family friendly for sure!

Other than that, the game was very fun to play and lovely experience. I do hope the devs will keep improving this lovely game and others will be interested in playing through it! Great game, highly recommended!