Reviews from

in the past

Meh. Ya me joderia haber pagao por esto

Idk why it isn't spesific, but this log is spesifically for the Java version of the game. Of which I cannot say if it's 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 so for me to give it a diferent score than the one I gave the original version (a 6/10) but I do kind of enjoy playing this version more than the original.

Like, in it's original form it suffers from just being MEH as hell compared to the original Sonic Runners, which is honestly GREAT. But here? Idk like, in the form factor of a Java game, a 2017 JAVA GAME no less, it's much more interesting to think about and see how much they squeeshed into it.

I've only played like, the first level so this isn't even meant to have like a score or be a review thus far because I can't, but just to put it out there that, out of both versions, I definetly prefer the Java version just because of the novelty that it has on being a Java game in the year of our lord 2017.

Never let them cook ever again

I'm probably the only human being on planet earth that can confidently state "I have acquired all stars and all the achievements for Sonic Runners Adventure" with a straight face and not break down into tears.

One of the most insulting sequels ever made.

Orijinal runnersın gameloftlaştırılmış hali

While the Sonic Jump sequel when from a level-based game to an infinite grind, the Sonic Runners games have done the opposite. This one is no longer an endless runner, but is instead level-based.

The gameplay is very similar to the first, which was the one thing the original game got right. Everything is fast and tapping to jump (or fly/glide as Tails and Knuckles) along the paths of rings, enemies and obstacles has a great rhythm to it.

There are four different areas, each with 10 main levels plus an extra endless level as a bonus. Each level has three objectives which earn you stars for progression, although annoyingly some are tied to particular characters you need to unlock (the amount of grinding is quite minimal, though, and there are no microtransactions to skip). These are generally collecting X amount or rings or destroying X amount of enemies.

Levels will have up and down paths, which have signs indicating if they’re better for rings or enemies. Some levels will also loop a couple of times. Badniks will respawn, but rings won’t, so you need to find the right paths to keep your targets.

This is a really good Sonic mobile game.

Truly the spiritual successor of all time

This is, without a doubt, one of the Sonic games of all time

This game is the "sequel" to 2015's Sonic Runners, and man, this is the biggest downgrade I've seen between two games, The OG Runners was an interesting endless runner which received regular events and updates which added a bunch of content, but this game? Enjoy 9 characters and 4 worlds with zero new content for 5 years, lol. Sure, it has the gameplay of the original, but with little to no content the game gets stale fast, and it just turns into a boring lifeless sequel. 0.5/5