Reviews from

in the past

it doesnt actually destroy the phone

aight but i bet literally anyone who plays this uninstalls the game after a few days

O tanto de bateria que esse jogo pega pra rodar faz jus ao nome

If you want a mobile South Park game this is the best you are gonna get.

To my disappointment, you don't actually destroy your phone in this game.

Didn't really quite get to finish it, still maintains the style and humor, game can really get a little repetitive imo, but still fun

Despite its many controversies, South Park remains a funny and strong series that often manages to provide a refreshing satire of contemporary issues. Not only ago, the series had ventured out into video game territory, and one of its entries is South Park: Phone Destroyer.

From its early hours, Phone Destroyer was able to entertain me, with it being able to capture, not only the humor of the series but as well as its unique art style. It's a shame though that aside from its presentation, the game has little to no other redeeming qualities.

The gameplay, while starting easily enough, gets progressively difficult the longer that you play, almost to the point of unwinnable during its middle point. The only way to remedy this seems to hinge on luck or resorting to buying the game's microtransactions using real-world money - an aspect that considerably dampened my interest in the game.

And its a shame because the game had the potential and had a somewhat interesting to story. Too bad, the game is riddled with your typical greedy mobile game predatory tactics. This is disheartening, as it detracts from what could have been a more fulfilling game.

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Loved getting cussed out by Cartman for not spending a single penny in the game!

По началу очень захватывает и завлекает. Юмор фирменный, сюжет тоже. Геймплей интересный, но со временем слишком надоедает однообразием. Телефон слишком нагревался ещё.