Reviews from

in the past

im neurodivergent but not neurodivergent enough for this

What's that big planet shaped thing coming at my ship?

Fun to play around with premade ships, and the movement in any 0-g space game is engaging. The process for making a ship is somewhat intricate and the UI isn't very user-friendly, so I never got around to learning to make my own ship.

If I had a goal in mind and tried to learn construction instead of messing around with workshop stuff, I probably would have had more fun than I did.

Fun to fuck around but I'm kinda dumb and not that creative so that's about where my fun ends

I love this game, but it lacks controller support

Super interesting and expressive sandbox game, but has struggles with actual gameplay. Early-game survival is a massive slog due to how difficult it is to find the needed minerals to get into space. You can skip this and go straight to building big ships in creative mode, but that knocks out, like, 90% of the game. Also Space Engineers will obliterate your CPU so be ready for that.

pretty fun game with friends but has the issue that a lot of space games have
namely theres a whole lot of nothingness when going through space

played this game since it first hit early access and amazed at the amount content it's gotten to. only play this if you're looking for a creative sandbox or playing multiplayer because the survival mode isn't all that engaging without friends

I've spent so much time in this game just messing around. There's something satisfying about just roaming around space in a spaceship

It can be a fun game but singleplayer needs more purpose and it can get very boring once you know the gist, also optimization and combat sucks.

My biggest problem with this game is, I don't have friends to play it with.

Really fun to smash ships together and i'm sure survival mode is fun for some people but lacks any "Play more feel" Just smash stuff together!

Legit couldn't play the game without the game bugging out one me because of my graphics card.

Also seemed like a more boring Minecraft with more maintenance. At least Jetpack is cool though.

I probably need friends to play this with before I can properly enjoy it

(Escrita em 2018)

Embora tenha jogado dezenas de horas em alguns poucos dias, Space Engineers é um jogo que deixa muito a desejar. A maioria das experiências positivas do jogo vem da sensação que a liberdade que o vôo representa, sendo um sonho humano desde o começo de nossa história; neste quesito, Space Engineers entrega: voar pela atmosfera e pelo espaço com as naves que você construiu ou saqueou é imensamente satisfatório, e o processo de construí-las, com todas as alegrias e tristezas que vem de um processo de tentativa e erro, também ajudam muito a intensificar a beleza do momento. Ainda assim, o jogo carece muito de game design direcionado, e assim que você constrói o que quer construir, resta muito pouco para quem não adora engenharia por si própria, e isso se dá porque o jogo não possui conteúdo engajante o suficiente para o uso de suas naves e criações mirabolantes, sendo o único propósito de criações mais interessantes é poder vê-las funcionando. Space Engineers ainda está em early access e um dos próximos updates prometidos é um overhaul do Survival Mode; porém, como nada no jogo até hoje indicou uma noção especial de game design, não consigo ver como os desenvolvedores deste jogo conseguirão torná-lo cativante em longo prazo para alguém como eu, que busca experiências mais direcionadas e sistemas interligados com um propósito final.