Reviews from

in the past

Nunca conseguir jogar isso direito por medokkkkkkkk mas é bom, talvez algum dia eu tente jogar de novo

A somewhat cute horror game based on jumpscares and chasing phases. We have to walk through 1000 rooms to reach a final boss, with randomly generated rooms (mostly), and save points from 50 to 50 (or 100 to 100) rooms. At some point, you can encounter a room with arcade machines (from time to time) that have 3 playable mini-games, even a reversed Pac-Man arcade! This game also includes some voice acting!

I enjoyed this game, it's spooky and free to play! I am looking forward to playing the DLCs!

It just lacks settings to change the keybindings (although the gameplay is very simple), and options to change the audio volume!

não me deu medo, eu pensei que ia ficar mais assustador com o passar do jogo mas não ficou. realmente me decepcionei

Great and fun, I just can't handle the stress... maybe horror games are not for me x)

I love this game so much Akuma Kira is my favourite indie developer💯🔥‼️💪🧩🦅

A fun little romp that has no right to be as spooky as it is at times. This is another YouTube game, where I first discovered it as it made the rounds on YT and I had to check it out for myself. It is highly unique.

cheap not in terms of jump scares but in aesthetics. jump scares r good and cool, getting a jump scare out of me from a pop up cardboard cutout enemy is good and funny, adorkable 2015 cartoon network aesthetics are kind of very not cool lol. honestly lots of cool background designs and things framed, obv lots of time and effort went into like the maps and mise en scene but who gaf when ur holding down shift to run the whole time

mark henry leah everyone else we need to finish this game

ive loved this game since i was a fetus it gets the nostalgia bonus from me

This game is so refreshing in the world of horror

pretty good, great art style especially with some of the more grotesque moments, and super nostalgic

too pussy for this one. good game!!

exploração mto divertida e da uns sustos maneiros.

Fun little exploration horror game.

Legalzinho, gostei de ficar abrindo portas e tomando sustinhos mas não gostei muito do final que eu peguei, achei meio bobo ter pego ele

A free-to-play, first-person survival horror game with a twist. You have to make through a thousand rooms (incl. corridors) of the mansion to uncover the secrets of the mansion. The twist here is the anime cuteness implemented in this work, mainly in the appearance of some decorations and jump-scares.

As you progress through the rooms, you'll notice soon how kawaii things are turning increasingly kowaii and that's when your survival and sanity is being put to the test.

I saw my friend play through parts of it, so I added this on my list. Sadly, I am seldomly a big fan of horror games, so I chickened out after the 100th room.

not a very scary horror, but quite tense, really liked the DLC

zesrałam się jak wyskoczył słodki duszek i teraz wstyd. poza tym nudy

More spooky than most horror games.

Walking simulator with amazing lore. God I got sucked into this when it came out.

how can something be so cute and so fucking scary