Reviews from

in the past


i beat it 5 times.

Had a good amount of fun with this game as a kid.

For some strange reason, the design of the gauge on the right hand side of the screen made me feel uneasy though.

You guys do not understand how much I loved this game growing up.
It was to the point I had to buy an used copy because I played the game so much it couldn't be played anymorer. If that makes sense

best snowboarding game hands down

Everyone loves to throw around the phrase "they don't make 'em like they used to", but this game is too good to be made by really any modern studio, let alone EA. You have a quite literal mountain of content jammed into this game with excellent controls and a killer soundtrack. Well, there's a really bad remix of No One Knows, but otherwise it's really good.

average free thinkers when got mad skills got got mad skills i will got mad skills i will get wild

Oozing with style and with the tried and true tricking system that makes SSX a challenge to initially get into (and come back to) it elevates itself to the best in the series with one of the best soundtracks in the extreme sports genre, and a truly breathing, fun to explore open mountain.

Smooth gameplay, banger soundtrack, really well executed semi-open world design. Overall this is still the best snowboarding game to this day.

Probably the best snowboard game for its time

Toned down the wackyness of the previous entry to go for a more gritty realism angle, which works for the most part, but it makes the levels a lot more forgettable. Also, the music in this game is a step down from Tricky, who here wanted that awful remix of "No One Knows" or Finger Eleven?


I just discovered it recently, and it is amazing.
The tracks are so fun and well designed, they're also impressive to look at. It's made with a lot of exaggeration on jumps, ramps, and events on the tracks. For real if you just want to have fun go for it

Two steps forward, one step back. SSX 3 looks and plays better than its predecessors, but this is also where the series begins to lose some of its zaniness.

While the crazy tricks and airs are still here and bigger than ever, the tracks are less memorable and the backcountry sections are particularly generic.

Great for its time and still good today, but not quite as iconic as I remembered.

Maybe the last good snow boarding game. Had great locations, insane tricks, visuals and music which all contributed to just shredding a mountain.

It just couldn't be made in the modern day as it would be ruined by microtransactions and predatory monetisation. Always worth a play especially in multiplayer modes.

SSX 3 took a bit of step back from the visual style provided by SSX Tricky, but it succeeds in having incredible gameplay that was ahead of its time. Being able to seamlessly race across all tracks on an entire mountain at once was really something to behold. I keep coming back to play this game even now.

Great game to mess around on and ride down the mountains, and a classic game that was so much fun at the time.

Felt cool as hell playing this game. Also would get the song "Jerk it Out" stuck in my head all the time.

na época era o melhor do gênero

Just pure clean fun. I think I prefer Tricky's wacky tone but 3 is still a joy to play with exciting well-crafted stages covered in shortcuts and complimented by a cool soundtrack. I will say though I'm not a fan of having to repeat every race 3 times in conquer the mountain. I realize they need to get the most they can out of the few maps they have but I'd still rather switch up the track every race for variety's sake.

griff is the best character in this game and if you think otherwise i dutifully invite you to the nearest circuitcity and please eat every piece of debris you can find

estética bastante god que ganas de que el Y2K sea algo nostálgico y empieze a haber por todas partes porque me encanta
also, soy yo el tema principal suena al tema de jotaro de stardust crusaders? notese el bajo

Jogão. Um dos melhores jogos de esportes que já joguei, cada fase era melhor que a outra. As manobras eram incríveis e a t rilha sonora é maravilhosa até hoje.

Absolutely fantastic snowboarding game. Interesting idea with the open world aspect and every track feels different to race or trick down. My only gripe is with most of the character designs. They're all very of their time.


The soundtrack to this game was so dope.

Full of personality, a dope soundtrack, and near-perfect refinement of the gameplay in Tricky, SSX 3 is the end-all-be-all snowboarding game and the best game made under the EA Sports BIG banner. I'm sure I'll be deleting my save of this game so I can beat it again for decades to come.