Reviews from

in the past

L'idée de rester dans les années 1980 est bonne avec les graphismes, mais après, c'est sans plus

Stranger Things 3 (2019): Coge lo peor del retro (Controles toscos, narrativa y gameplay en paralelo...) y lo peor de los juegos modernos (Coleccionables, relleno absurdo...) para crear falsa nostalgia con un juego aburrido, repetitivo, y que dura el doble de lo necesario (3,50)

Not really what I expected but it's not bad per say.

Cool concept but it should have been kept as a tv show

Super fun retro throwback, amazing for fans of the show, as well.

Fun mais bizarre a la fois ? En tous cas sa reussit son partie prix d'etre un jeu jeu de l'époque.

Absolute must play for fans of the show, I loved every second of this game. It also reminded me of the good old days with its pixelized graphics.

Pretty simple pixelated half beatemup/half quest game with boring dialogue typical of its genre. Although the abilities of the characters are cool and cool concept of a game that continues the series