Reviews from

in the past

It was a fun game to watch someone play. Maybe a little to dark sometimes.

Quem diria que um jogo de gato iria me deixar tão viciado e entusiasmado, quando lançou eu só pensei que era hype, mas quando fui jogar me apaixonei, como é que pode esse laranjinha ser tão carismático sem dizer nada? (E eu nem gosto de gato) mas a forma como ele interage e os diálogos com os robôs são incríveis, essa questão da segregação entre ricos e pobres me lembrou o filme Distrito 9, realmente uma proposta incrível!

adorable game BUT..
puzzles and gameplay are majorly lacking.
the characters are cute and all, but it doesnt make up for the boring puzzles.
i did like the story to some degree. the parkour and nimbleness are fun to mess with.

Weak puzles, weak gameplay, weak story, weak game

being a cat isn't enough to play this game

I don't care if the protagonist is another 40 year old straight white man. Give me the dedicated meow button in every game. Now.

The fact that you can forget about the story and just fuck around as a silly cat is insane... although the story is really good, so you wouldnt really wanna miss out.

Все на высшем уровне. Настолько душевно, мило, лампово, местаии даже жудко. Играть в нее всем без исключения!
Жалко шо такая короткая (

The puzzles solve themselves, the platforming plays itself, even the moving moves itself. I'm not sure if there's any difference between playing this game and watching someone else do it, except you can do other stuff while watching someone else.

Jogo bonitinho q da pra zerar em uma tarde, o ritmo é muito bom e tem um final bem triste até, se vc gosta de gatos, o jogo vai agradar.

Gatete, pero he escuchado que mid.
Aun así lo quiero probar

I finished Stray and once again, Annapurna doesn't disappoint

This game is wonderful, it didn't seem like that to me, I thought it was more of a cat simulator than a really good experience
The story is very captivating and I almost got emotional in certain parts.
Each Character you interact with has their own Charisma
You can waste hours just to read small lines of text

There are small sidequests in the game that are fun, most of the time you get buttons for Gatinho

Talking about the Cat, the game certainly wouldn't be the same if the protagonist wasn't the Cat, that changes everything for sure, you really feel like you're playing with a Cat, the movement and attitudes (not to mention the button that it's just for meowing) There are small interactions you can do as the Cat, it's really quite fun

This game is really worth it, you can see that the developers put all their care into this game, everything in it was put with real care
It's a great game

(There's nothing I really don't like)

Loved the atmosphere and relatively low-key gameplay. Plot sort of dropped on the floor half-way through, but picked up near the end.

Such an amazing game. It’s perfectly comforting, with a heartwarming story and an immersive world. The soundtrack is incredible and I just love the whole design. The ending made me cry again. Who knew a game where you play as a cat could be this incredible?

One of the most beautiful games of the generation. Art direction really made an awesome job giving life and personality to the environments and characters, each corner has a story to tell and its very fun to explore that if you're into game art. The game is very narrative driven so gameplay is very simple so don't expect deep combat, strategies, puzzles or anything else, here you'll find a very simple and easy platform game which is great to play with your partner that is not a super fan of video games or if you just want to chill. Also highly recommended for cat lovers =^.^=

the irresistible human urge to meow

Cool game. Ultimately lost interest

sympatoche mais pas très enivrant

This game is actually so cute 😭
Love the vibe of it sm

It is important to create a connection between the player and the protagonist and here it is done perfectly. Every grunt, meow, grimace and detail that was implemented makes a difference. The world and the plot are very believable and engaging, as well as the music and the npc's.

Lindo, amei ser um gato

Good game hope a sequel comes out

Fiquei 30m vendo o gato dormir pra conseguir uma conquista, valeu a pena