Reviews from

in the past

Só sei spamar Hadoken e uns Shoryuken no calor do momento.

The story is Mortal Kombat level. Not enough Ken.

Not a fan of 2D fighting games but Street Fighter V's gameplay impressed me to some extent.

The game feels very floaty in a good way, the controls are simple and the combos are quite easy to do.

Most of the characters look pretty cool even though I'm not a big fan of the art-style.

As for the story mode, it's just painfully average and generic, not worth playing through.

What killed my fun with the game is the lack of gamemodes.
If you're playing for the single player content, then there's almost nothing exciting to do.

Final Rating: "Decent" ~ 6/10.


Polishing a turd for 5 years straight doesn't magically turn it into a diamond

Fun with fairly strong aesthetics and a banger soundtrack.
Tons of characters and lots of returning faces from Alpha, my personal favourite. Old classic Rival Schools is also very prominent with Akira and plenty of stage cameos.

While the game is very pretty this entry still doesn't translate well from the classic pixel art - the oversized palms and feet looks awkward on some characters and hair is mostly a mess - crazy anime hair doesn't really translate well, designs like Charlie and Rose looked good in 2d but are a bit harder to take seriously here, not that the game cares much for serious.

Story mode is a silly Power Rangers plot with little coherence. It's an impressive attempt at a cinematic approach but the mystique is gone. When the story bits were short and rare in earlier game there was a lot of room for imagination to fill in gaps, and now I feel this fairly lengthy story mode doesn't really say more than the minimal lines Alpha had for example.
Difficualy wise I couldn't tell if there were massive spikes in the last parts or it was just being forced to play characters I'm less comfortable with.
I feel those were spikes that my casual ass had a lot of trouble dealing with near perfect defence and punishment. Sometimes I treated those as an actual training grounds, but some I eventually just skipped after several tries.
The characters screen time is whack as well, poster boy Ryu literally only appears in the opening and closing acts and doesn't do much.

There's also a silly little personal story for each characters. They had varying quality but I liked those as they focused on slice of life rather than world ending drama. The art in this mod takes a while to get used to but it works.

The stage lights disco ball look for the pre fights looks great and I've never seen a direction like that before.

Main menu is an ugly messy sin, filled with buttons and store fronts, timed missions that you need to purchase tickets for with slowly acquired currency. It's not as bad as the nonsense I've seen in Injustice 2 earlier this year but this still has no place in a fighting game.

You can see some seeds for 6 - splashes of colour appear during certain combos and you get to fight normal people like OLD COP.

Street Fighter 5, six years in, is very fun and if the sequel wasn't so well received I might have tried to actually get good in it.

Fini le mode histoire et le mode arcade avec quelques persos. Le mode histoire est franchement pas renversant, surtout quand on compare avec ce que propose la concurrence en la matière mais bon, moi quand je peux jouer Chun-Li, je suis content.

i never played this online so i dont really know why this one is bad all i know is its the one that got me to like fighting games and im forever greatful for that

beating my boyfriend's ass 💪

Sf5 very much the most average entry of the franchise. 2016 when I was not even playing any games, SF was released to lukewarm to outraged audience perception.

The game released with barebones features, peak ugly 3d graphics, underwhelming and small cast of characters.

To top it off, a free to play style of unlocking characters in a game that you have to pay for. Yikes

However over the years, people somewhat warmed up to SF5 as people have tended to do for most entries in the franchise.

For myself the crush counter system made SF5 a very turtlely and defensive experience(something many offense obsessed fighting game fans hated). It's quite a slow paced game really.

However the game has a more robust and fleshed out combo system than SF4 which was quite barebones in comparison. Overall it was a step forward and back for the franchise.

lowkey bad considering how good SF6 is and how much better 3 is

I just like trying to complete all of the combo trials and fighting my girlfriend.

this game is safe its not bad but i don't really like street fighter as a fighting game series im more of a tekken or mortal kombat person

I really enjoyed playing this game and I really liked the art style

Nossa, esse jogo é maravilhoso! Com certeza um dos melhores Street Fighter e uma enorme evolução dos jogos anteriores. Conheci a franquia por ele, graças ao meu pai e sempre me diverti muito jogando. Conseguiu trazer vários momentos incríveis, tanto para mim, quanto ao meu pai que acompanhou e zerou todos os jogos da franquia e pode ver essa evolução. Gráficos extraordinários, combates e lutas magnificas, personagens carismáticos e únicos. Jogo maravilhoso, super recomendo!

why does every character look like they were made out of play doh and then dipped in grease

This game started off so rough but I strongly believe it earned its redemption over time. Its so much fun to play these days, I sincerely wish I got into it while it was still very active and it didnt take me 30mins to find a round that could possibly have really bad connection

Pretty good! Fun to play but it was a little slow and hard to get everything right. Also felt a lot worse then 4

street fighter 5 is a notoriously misunderstood game that, in its final patch, i can easily consider my favourite fighting game of all time. months after sf6's release and i still just think this game got so many things right by the end of it all, and i think sf6 should slowly steer its way to a similar path in terms of balance and roster. a huge variety of characters with interesting tools, strong defensive mechanics that shut down autopilot offense, an overall emphasis on interactive neutral play... if this game came out in the state that it ended up in, i think its reputation would be extremely different. or maybe it wouldn't because maybe people don't actually like interaction in fighting games and just want to play guilty gear and flowchart strings, idk

anyway, wish i spent more time playing this online before 6 came out. god bless this game

didnt play much. too much to catch up on outside my skillset. seems well designed though.

It isn't my all-time favorite Street Fighter, mainly due to a lack of really compelling single-player content that will keep me coming back, but there's a lot I've enjoyed out of my time with this game. Mainly on how varied and balanced the roster is and solid gameplay mechanics. I'm glad I at least played this after all of the game content has been out rather than having to deal with its growing pains.

It's good ol' Street Fighter with a big roster and some interesting ideas. The lack of single player content and kinda trash online play really hurts SFV for me.

Just as much fun as previous entries, but all the different versions, microtransactions and modes can be a bit confusing at first. Nevertheless, the characters are fun, and it was a huge plus for me that there's a lot of single-player content in it. If only it was a bit easier so that newcomers could enjoy it more...

Not bad game, just not my favorite