Reviews from

in the past

yeah it's free but it's just a showcase of barely adequate sprite hacks painted over sor2 art. you can effortlessly stunlock even the bosses and half the mooks are pacifists so it's pointless besides there being no level, music, or character variety. you can't pick up the bikes which isn't how i remember kamurocho.

Ehh, es una calca del primer nivel de Street Of Rage 2 pero en bucle, sin nada destacable más que protagonizar el universo de Yakuza. Está bien para divertirte por unos 10 o 20 minutos, pero sinceramente le hubiera puesto algo de esfuerzo extra...

Otima homenagem ao Streets of Rage com a temática Yakuza, o único problema é que é EXTREMAMENTE curto rs

Might come across as childish to complain about a lack of content in a game that's completely free, but this is exactly what it says on the tin and not a shred more. Possibly even less than that--it's literally just a reskin of the first level of Streets of Rage 2. Would've been nice to, I dunno, be able to pick up bikes or something to make it feel at least a tiny bit like Yakuza. Still, the core of it is basically solid, even if there was a bare minimum of work put into it.