Reviews from

in the past

It's the Genesis version from two years earlier, but easier, uglier, and no multiplayer. Hardly the worst brawler I've played, but there's no reason for it in current year, not with the Mega Drive original easily playable on any device. ...Though it is fun how easy it is to achieve infinites on this version.

For better or worse, this is the full Streets of Rage experience, with all the stages present just with the visual downgrade you'd expect from an 8-bit conversion. This game should've been a slam dunk but something went seriously wrong in the conversion process - this is a really janky game. Seriously, there are some seriously scuffed hitboxes here that you can exploit but be prepared to take just as many cheap hits as you do to enemies, if you time things right they should just walk straight into your punches. Stages take forever too, It was like the enemies just kept coming over and over (only 2 on the screen at a time) and it took forever to keep moving. It really is just a tedious, boring downgrade of the original.