Reviews from

in the past

Im one of 200 people who actually like this game
feels like Borderlands 2 but with a super hero coat of paint

What are we, some sort of shit game?

Um jogo super divertido, especialmente se jogado com amigos.
Não posso dizer muito da Temporada do Coringa porque não me aprofundei, mas irei atualizar quando todas saírem etc.

o pior é que o jogo é bom kskksk, eu adorei jogar esse game (sozinho por enquanto) mas ainda é estranho matarmos o superman na bala ksks. Recomendo pra quam nao gosta de morcegos.

how about you don't do this anymore, idek if the rating is swinging

So so enjoyable, great plot, but what was the half-assed ending? The meta narrative of 'micro transactions' and longer multiplayer player base finally came into full view then.
Which is a shame since I was enjoying it so much. Amazingly grim opening, mixed with the goofy MCU level banter was what I consider comic books to be.

Harley's gameplay is a bit rough but everyone else is individual and bizarre.

Kinda overhated but the wet fart of ending (TBC behind paywall) really left a confused sour taste in my mouth.

It’s easy to hate, hard to love, but I mostly enjoyed the 55 hours the platinum trophy took me.

Story is fucking terrible though.

Outside of the general story idea and the cast of characters, this game is kind of a letdown. Combat is movement-based and awkward, the live-service portion sucks, and the story just kind of abruptly ends.

Oh, and you can't really build around Captain Boomerang's boomerangs, which is just wrong.

Fun shooting and great animation in the cutscenes. Story is very similar to a typical "Event" style comic run. Dragged down by uninteresting mission design and poor post launch support.

As a big DC fan, it was cool to get to play as these characters and to see this story from a villains pov. The cutscenes and story of this game is where it shines. Unfortunately the gameplay is just Marvel's Avengers. Like for real, I played like 300 hours on Marvel's Avengers and there's a lot of similarities and it's almost all bad shit. If you're a comic fan I'd recommend this game, but only for like $20 or something.

its good during the story but once you have finished that it just turns terrible for a game made to keep players playing the end game is garbage

This game is NOT bad.

Is it Good? Uhh, maybe?
I had a lot of fun playing this game for probably 20 hours. The story is fine, the combat is fine, the traversal is fun, and the dialogue and cutscenes are seriously great. Those combine to make a solidly fun story game.
If you play this game beyond the story, be prepared to experience the soul-crushing fun-sucking "game" that is finding collectibles and replaying missions over 50 times. (I'm not joking.)
I tried to platinum this game. You can tell by the fact that I put 45 hours into this game that I gave it a good effort to complete everything I could. Honestly, if I had quit 20 hours in when the story was finished, I would have a much better outlook on this game. But holy crap, is the "postgame" the most boring, repetitive, and unrewarding thing I've played in probably 10 years.

So, as I said, the game isn't bad. But please, just play through the story and uninstall it. And only buy it if it's less than $30, because that's about what the story game should have been sold for.

surpreendentemente a pior parte desse jogo não é a historia dele, que sinceramente foi a unica parte que eu achei ate interessante. o que estraga ele alem de ser live service é o fato de ser muito repetitivo e enjoa muito ter que ficar fazendo essas secundarias insuportaveis

Fun story and it’s nice to bounce between characters who each traverse the world in different ways but the UI is far too busy during combat, throwing so much at the player at every second. Hate the anticlimactic ending and more content being hid behind DLC or grinding repetitive missions.

Grade: C

Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League é (infelizmente) um erro.

Eu juro por tudo que é mais sagrado que eu fiz de tudo pra ver coisas boas nesse jogo, de verdade mesmo, mas simplesmente não dá.

Foi uma das piores experiências mais longas da minha vida jogar isso por mais de 7 horas até perceber que eu só tinha matado um chefe e estava fazendo as mesmas coisas desde o começo, sem nenhuma sensação de progresso.

Vamos ser sinceros, esse jogo foi um erro desde a sua concepção. Nunca que um jogo desses deveria ser focado como um jogo de serviço, essa decisão simplesmente matou o que poderia ser um ÓTIMO jogo de campanha single-player.

O foco em fazer tudo ser infinito limitou a criatividade. O tempo todo você faz as mesmas missões, mata os mesmos inimigos e faz os mesmos combos especiais, tudo pra ter um MÍNIMO de recompensa, que no caso é uma cutscene progredindo a história.

Gameplay promissora, mas que não carrega o jogo sozinha, já que no fim das contas, por mais que seja gostoso atirar e brigar com os inimigos, acaba sendo só isso o tempo inteiro que o jogo tem.

Nunca mais na minha vida vou pagar por um jogo de serviço, foi a decepção do ano pra mim, ainda mais porque eu tentei defender esse jogo o tempo todo, mas simplesmente não dá.

Esse jogo infelizmente poderia ter sido bom, mas não passa de um lixo feito pra ganhar dinheiro em cima de otário, nada além disso.

solves most of the issues with these sort of live service games so future franchise based live services can follow in their foot steps.
great gameplay. would be excellent if they had found an aim and mid system that falls in between doom eternals body meat system & the aim at weakpoints system the game has right now.
even the battlepass is implemented in a way as to not bother casual players.
the world is extremely memorable & greatly designed

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League aims high with its ambitious crossover and dynamic combat system, but falters due to repetitive missions and underwhelming AI, failing to fully deliver on its thrilling premise.

Jogo extremamente divertido, história legal, e com bastante pontos positivos, dentre ele: qualidade gráfica e desempenho (ps5), animações e expressões dos personagens, habilidade e gameplay muito divertidas, personagens carismáticos pra caramba, representação dos poderes da liga muito foda, principalmente o Superman e o Batman, e ótima representação do esquadrão também!

Pra mim, Droka, o jogo sinceramente nem tem pontos negativos, até onde entendi, as novas seasons e personagens serão gratuitos para jogar, tendo a escolha de comprar apenas passe de batalha, que não dou a mínima, então tá perfeito! E acredito que pra algumas pessoas, o jogo pode se tornar repetitivo, o que não foi meu caso, pois me diverti bastante cada segundo nesse jogo! :D

O Jogo é divertido vai...
É Bem mediano porque depois de umas 10 horas de jogo fica um pouco repetitivo, mas é divertido e a gameplay eu achei gostosinha.

This is what happens when an incredibly talented development team is piloted by a corporate entity who is simply seeking to sell an IP rather than a proper experience. This game has good bones. Its really fun to play, each character is unique and even the loot system allows you to collect a lot of unique ways to play as well. The concept of the game is solid, its graphically impressive, if a little bland on the artstyle, and the writing is pretty solid for the most part. Unfortunately its held back by repetitive loop of gameplay without many additions to spice up the experience, Side missions that require you to play the game in a way that isn't fun, consistently clunky online, really lackluster boss fights against characters that you'd rather play as, only to unlock the ability to do the same thing over and over again, for mediocre rewards and a story that you'll have to continue playing for potentially years to get to a conclusion. Its a shame. Because its a game that you want to want to play. But it doesn't have enough content, nor enough engaging content, to justify its service model, and barely enough to justify its existence.

Buen combate, historia diveertida, graficos y cinematicas espectaculares.

Poco contenido, muy repetitivo, cada personaje se siente igual.

Esquadrão Suicida não é o lixo como as pessoas falam, porém está longe de ser um ótimo jogo. Sua gameplay é divertida porém fica extremamente repetitiva com o passar do tempo, os membros do esquadrão são ótimos e graficamente o jogo é lindo, porém peca na sua campanha, gostei da história e achei valida a forma como a Liga morre, se você quer um looter shooter ele cumpre seu propósito, mas sinto que poderia ser bem melhor

I wanted to finish the main story and let the game go, but I was not able to launch it because of anti-cheat app. I had to reinstall the whole game on Steam and then grind to kill Brainiac. Thank you, Rocksteady! Can you please do something single-player next time?

Yllättävän kivaa räiskintää ja tuntuma on kohdillaan. Tarinaltaan myös varsin pätevä. Ei yllä Batman pelien tasolle millään, mutta kuitenkin pelasi läpi ihan mielellään.

I love DC, I love the previous Rocksteady games and I really like the SS so I obviously was excited for this, that is until the reviews came out and I started to get nervous. I decided to wait for a sale and as soon as I found a good one I picked it up and gave it a fair chance, and I don't regret it. I won't deny, there's a lot to unpack both good and bad, but I wanna start with the good because I did enjoyed my time with this game for the most part. The gameplay is certainly a totally different thing then the Arkham games and it's much more alike to a Sunset Overdrive, and I honestly think it's pretty fun. It's fast paced, you constantly have to be moving around and using your abilities to keep wrecking everyone and I thought it was cool. The traversal is also quite a lot of fun to get the hang around since every character moves differently. The graphics and visual presentation is top notch, smooth 60fps and native 4K HDR, I didn't had any glitches and it was overall very well polished on my PS5. Also the cutscenes look amazing, particularly the facial expressions. I thought the writing was surprisingly funny, I enjoyed the concept, the performances are great and for the most part I was invested... until they started to rush everything and not end it at all. Time for the flaws now.

I agree the deaths of the JL members could've been handled a little better, but the biggest issue is that the more the story progressed the more rushed it started to become, and then it decided to just not end at all for future seasonal content. Not a bad idea conceptionally, but they didn't executed well and it felt very unsatisfying. The content in the game is unfortunately very thin, because as much as I really enjoyed the gameplay after I finished the story and did a few hours on the endgame content, it got very old very fast. It lacks variety, in the enemies, the missions you're given and the maps you play on. Also the grind and loot system is just not engaging, I enjoyed the weapons but there wasn't a ton of variety on them and the upgrade systems on them are confusing and weirdly structured. It just doesn't have the strength to be what it wants to be, as fun as it can be sometimes there's only so much you can play of the same exact thing over and over. Honestly they should've just made this a single player game first and then added the co-op missions and online content as a bonus. Then everything that's lacking in the game could've been improved amd expanded upon, while still having the online content they're going for in a much more concise way. But, this is what we got.

So, did I liked "Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League"? Yeah, for the most part yes I did and I ain't ashamed of it. Would I recommend it? Well... that's a very complicated question. On the one hand I had a lot of fun with it over my 60 hours playing it and I think there's a lot of cool stuff like the fast paced gameplay and great visuals, and I'll give credit that the servers worked well when I played with friends and we had a really good time. But, there's no denying that this is a deeply flawed game, and I don't know if people are gonna be able to enjoy the good in it because they're big ones. For full price I definitely say no, half price if you wanna give it a chance and think it might be fun, but if you're skeptical or think it doesn't look good then wait for it to be available for no additional cost. There's fun to be had here and I seriously think its a fun shooter, but you are the one who has to decide whether you wanna give it the chance or not. Unlike something like "Marvel's Avengers", I do think this is a good game, one that's sadly brought down by it's obvious issues.

(As for Season 1, unfortunately I can't give it a pass because it was considerably disappointing. The Joker is a very fun character to play sure and I liked his mechanics, the Joker themed areas are nice... but that's it? No new bosses? No new story points besides one three minute cutscene? No new enemies or variety to mission objectives? That's just bad man. I like the game but if they really want this game to have a life or a comeback, they won't get there by putting out content like this. I don't even know if it'll survive after this, that's how lacking it was. A shame, but oh well, at least I had fun shooting and flying around with friends and it'll remain an option for us.)