Reviews from

in the past

This game laid the groundwork for a whole genre of racing game. Excellent controls, fun stages to race on, and plenty of drivers to choose from with their own abilities.

More fun than I expected, kinda rips

Super Mario Kart is easily the worst Mario Kart but it is far from a bad game. My biggest recommendation for this game is to give it some time to learn the controls, once you do this game can be fun. I should also mention that the CPUs blatantly cheat but there isn't much they can do if you just keep your acceleration going.
My favourite tracks are Rainbow Road and Mario Circuit 2 while my least favourite track is Bowser Castle 3. Music isn't super crazy but I do enjoy Koopa Beach and especially Rainbow Road.
Give this game a fair shot, it paved the way for future kart racers.

Dogshit j'étais trop guez dessus en plus

it's hard to like this when you know how much better this series has gotten...flat track design is a big no for me

Everyone's gotta start from somewhere, I guess.

The game that started it all, a pretty alright Mario Kart for the time, but with improvement upon improvement with every subsequent title, this game feels quite bad to play, but in a charming way! The controls are super slippery, like you're playing on ice all the time and the CPU rubberband to hell and back but I don't think it could be any other way, otherwise the future games might have stagnated, who knows. Even if its extremely dated now, it is still worth a shot to try.

Um clássico… jogo maravilhoso… já joguei muito (às vezes com meu pai)… com ctz pode ser uma boa opção se não tiver muito poder computacional, tipo um celular, para te tirar do tédio ;D

Peguei para zerar somente agora embora tivesse lembranças de infância de ser um grande jogo.
Definitivamente para época teve uma importância extrema, a jogabilidade é boa, gosto dos mapas, o único problema que enfrentei foi uma certa tontura após algumas horas com o jogo.

O jogo mais injusto que joguei na minha vida, ao menos a OST é boa, de resto felizmente os outros Mario Kart corrigiram os problemas, MAS TODO MUNDO TRAPACEIA NESSA MERDA, Isa tu tava certa.

First Mario Kart entry that also became one of the most revolutionary Nintendo franchises of all time! Despite its revolutionary success, it doesn't age well, especially when later Mario Kart games improved everything from this game.

Compared to the other games in the Mario Kart series, this one obviously doesn't age as well. It's kind of hard to get used to how it works after playing the newer, more refined ones. Though I'd still say it's a pretty comfortable, enjoyable experience. Obviously I think this game deserves some respect for starting, if not at least popularizing an entire racing sub-genre, too.


not great but it had to start somewhere

Played on the Nintendo Switch. Got gold on the first three cups and silver on the fourth which is good enough for me as far as a win condition goes.

It's solid and I certainly respect it for laying the ground work for one of the biggest racing franchises of all time. That said though, it only has like maybe 4 great tracks and the rest are either kind of good or just okay. Some of the music is really fun and intense but others are kind of repetitive and annoying. The sound design can also be grating at times. It's certainly good but it doesn't get anywhere past that and it may not be one I am in a rush to revisit. 7.0/10

Worth playing for the historical significance but after 20 minutes you'll be ready to put it down forever and play MK8D instead

Super Mario Kart is the kart racer that started it all, and it still holds up remarkably well! Sure, the graphics are dated, but the tight controls, wacky items, and classic tracks are as fun as ever. Battle Mode with friends is chaotic joy, and the harder cups offer that old-school challenge. It's a timeless classic and a must-play for any retro gaming fan or Mario Kart enthusiast.

Not that fun. Even for it's time I don't think it's well designed at all for a 2D racer.

I played this so much as a kid. For being the first mario kart it's actually pretty decent, aside from the drifting of course. I'm shocked they never brought back the "super" moniker to the title.

It can be fun, but nowadays, you're better off playing other Mario Kart games.

sans nostalgie jeux trés moyen aujourd'hui

O jogo é interessante. Embora hoje em dia existam jogos melhores graficamente, esse jogo ainda te pode tirar do tédio. Claro, jogo em um android, e isso influencia na jogabilidade e melhora os gráficos. A negatividade é que eu uso somente o Bowser, então o Mario automaticamente é difícil de passar. Até aí tudo bem, pois cada personagem que você controla tem um principal rival, digamos assim. O problema é que o Mario ativa frequentemente um poder especial (power up) da estrelinha [foi mal, não sei o nome 😅] pra compensar a falta de velocidade do personagem, e isso, bem, é chato pra caramba... Claro, o jogo pode enjoar fácil devido aos poucos personagens, powerups e mapas, devido às limitações. Mas com certeza foi uma febre na época. Ah! Só não bata o kart neste jogo, pois isso atrapalha bastante. ;)

rubberbanding in a racing game is worse than level scaling in an rpg

The first Mario Kart! I didn't even know a SNES version existed until I started collecting in 2011. After completing it, all I think of is, this game is better when you're playing with friends but not in single player. It's a good game but definitely not as refined as the other games. The drifting feels like I'm slip n sliding everywhere even after I let go of my drift. HOWEVER, I respect this game because it was the first of its kind and single handily created the "Kart" genre. It's not my go to Mario Kart, but it's still a good time with friends.

Foi jogando isso aqui que mais conheci a coletânea de MPB dos meus pais.

Oh hell nah! Never play this.

super mario kart may be one of the definitive examples of a barebones project that allowed for so many ideas to flow in the future. it's an equally challenging as it is rewarding game play loop that is great for short bursts of fun. a light-hearted experience, it's delightful color palletes & range of locals offer just enough variety that one could expect from a super nintendo game. nothing that will blow you away or make you say "they don't make games like they used to", but good enough to jump in here and there.

facil o melhor mario kart