Reviews from

in the past

só com crédito infinito mesmo viu. tempo de resposta nível campeonato de tetris, impossível de estrategizar qualquer coisa na última fase. nem sei como ganhei

Este juego es curioso, pero aun asi bastante adictivo de jugar derbez en cuando.

Mejor que Super Street Fighter II Turbo

Gostei do jogo,misturou bacana Street Fighter e Darkstalkers com tetris,e ainda é bem desafiador principalmente o Boss final que nossa senhora passei 20 minutos tentando matar ele

Played it on PS1. Very cute and funny but my god if the CPU is hard as balls.

I can see this being a pretty addicting puzzle game, but for me, Tetris already took that role, so this one just stands as "an amusing puzzle game that maybe I'll go back to someday with friends".

they NEED to do another puzzle fighter

Me sorprende que habiéndomelo acabado como mínimo unas 30 veces, no lo haya reseñado antes.

Sobre este juego, no tengo mucho qué decir al respecto. Quiero decir, es un juego corto sin mucho detalle en cuanto a historia más que 8 escenarios y un jefe, cada uno con su debida dificultad, lo que lo hace, en parte, estratégico de jugar por cuanto saberse el patrón de movimiento de cada personaje.

Es corto a la par de entretenido, bien hecho, y con un soundtrack muy destacable.

I used to play this ALL THE TIME in high school - I had a ROM of it, and would pull it up on my laptop after class ended. I still have an itch to go back and play it every now and again, and honestly, it's my favorite of this particular brand of puzzle game.

One of the single most violent games ever made. Not violent in content, however. Rather, violent in intention, and in potential harm dealt. You lose a fighting game, and there's wiggle room in input, in knowledge, in match-up, in all sorts of other places to hide your self-esteem. You lose in this game, not only do you have to spend time staring at the big red danger sign before your board explodes with grey boxes, but you must sit with the awareness that the opportunity to out play you was created SOLELY by how you applied yourself to the game, and when. This game could probably be used to give someone a mental illness. It probably already has.

Tiene el problema de tos los puzzle fighters que la mayoria de cosas recaen en la suerte y si la tienes haces instakill y si no comes techo dos rondas

Sakura my beloved, puedes hacer rush combos antes de que te caiga una tumba en la cabeza y te haga instakill.

I played this game at university when I was studying Videogames.

Trust me, it's a blast when you play it against your friends!

character-unique drop tables are a failed experiment. when a fighting game player has many possible basic choice flavors moment to moment - punch, kick, grab, block, jump, run, weak, strong - each choice gains a grain based on the chosen character. thus a player's entire 'grain of play' erupts dynamically in a conversation with their character. but in the ultra-simplified milieu of puzzle games, the player has so few basic choice flavors - stack a block, or don't - that the player develops an entire grain of play arises from their intense, obsessive iteration on how to make that single basic choice. players don't need a drop table to make this magic happen. and as it happens, it's hard to design balanced and distinct drop tables for vs puzzle games. the result is a one-dimensional tier list of which are good and which are bad, with little room for playstyle to affect the results except ath the highest levels of sophistication. maybe i need to play the rebalance hack better to judge this, but as it stands, i think the drop tables are the silliest and most unnecessary part of SPF2T. here's the kicker: even just different music, block textures, and voice lines would be enough to make people choose a favorite character! ask any mario maker player.

SPF2T makes a subtle, fascinating design design: the large power gems themselves. it is necessary for a color-matching stacker to have a chaining method that looks exciting, and SPF2T certainly adds the game-slowing glass-breaking effect while the chain is happening. but the power gems are stored power pre-combo which nevertheless take over the board aesthetically. it feels great to make a single big block, smooth and unsullied, that will be the genesis of a later attack. in other words, SPF2T pushes the aesthetic beauty of the chain backwards in time to before you even launch it. it fits a basic human instinct to find and make patterns, so that brain can go "mm yes good."

i'm glad we got fightcade working for this game! i'm hoping the series will continue to include vs play with real people, as time and popularity of game allow. it cemented the thrill in me. i do however dislike the drop table focus, as i do on the slowness of play resultant from catalyst pieces being necesssary to sieze moments, and only one piece preview to see them coming. it limits the strategic flow of the game, although i could see a stochastic method that assumes any number of pieces being possible. ah well.

ideia muito boa, divertido mas muito cru e poderia ser ainda melhor. não é um jogo ruim mas também não é memorável.

Very fun and cute puzzle game although the “crash gem” mechanic can make it feel a bit unfair and frustrating at times... but I guess that’s the idea?

I don’t understand the puzzle system, it’s colorblind hostile as hell, and I just want to make Ken punch.

Eww, chibi. I didn't find the puzzle gameplay to be particularly enjoyable.

A pretty neat puzzle game if you say it little me really love this game because the Charming characters and the fact that they had so much references to other Capcom games inside of this the inclusion of dark stalkers was also nice.

As a puzzle game it Bears a strong revelance to pull up puyo and I think it also came in the same time period as that game but this one is pretty different but it's also pretty sluggish if you ask me the game feel slow the game feels not fast-paced unless you're very good at the game and it's pretty short too but I think that's for every other puzzle game on Arcades.

Better than BOTH Street Fighter II AND Tetris no I’m not insane.

Me going to the park and reminding geese that it is Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo players who are made in God’s image

first time I sucked at a puzzle game lol

i am absolutely horrible at this game, but that doesn't stop it from being fun.